Using ZendPHP cloud images

All ZendPHP cloud images set up a default virtual host located in the directory /var/www. Users can upload a PHP application to that directory and immediately have a running web application.

Additionally, ZendPHP cloud images come with several scripts to allow you to switch PHP versions and manage virtual hosts and SSL details. These are all located in /usr/local/bin and MUST be run as root or via the sudo command.

Zend provides the following scripts:

  • zendphp_credentials
  • zendphp-vhost
  • zendphp-switch


The following is valid for hourly+annual or hourly+monthly cloud images only.

The script zendphp_credentials does the following:

  • On first invocation, this script requests credentials from the ZendPHP credentialing service. If successful, it then installs them such that your package manager uses them when retrieving ZendPHP packages. After a successful operation, run the command that updates your package manager's cache (e.g., apt-get update for DEB-based distributions and yum update for RPM-based distributions).
  • On subsequent invocations, it renews your credentials for a period of one month.
In most cases, you do not need to interact with this script.

For Bring-Your-Own-License images, obtain and install credentials directly from Zend by Perforce. For hourly/monthly/annual images, you need to run the script during initial provisioning and once every 4 weeks thereafter via a cronjob.

If you need to use it manually, run zendphp_credentials help at the command line.


The zendphp-vhost script allows you to add, rename, or remove virtual hosts. The script also fetches and configures a TLS certificate for the vhost via the Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority (CA). If the query fails, the script uses the self-signed localhost certificate.


 zendphp-vhost (action) (vhost domain) (port) (options) (email)


  • action: One of: info, add, remove, chgname, or chgport.
  • vhost domain: Domain for which to create, modify, or remove a virtual host.
  • port: If set, configures the virtual host to this port; otherwise sets the port to the default (80).
  • options: One of http or https. This option also configures the port for http or https. If set to https the script retrieves the certificate from Let's Encrypt.
  • email: Webmaster e-mail. If not set, the script uses the default webmaster@localhost. Note: If you use the default e-mail, certbot (the Let's Encrypt client) prompts you for a valid e-mail address to ensure renewal notifications can be sent.


Show currently enabled vhosts:

$ zendphp-vhost info

Create new vhost (use default parameters):

$ zendphp-vhost add

Create new vhost (preconfigures port 443 and fetch certificate from Let's Encrypt CA):

$ zendphp-vhost add 443 https

Change vhost name (also requests a new TLS certificate from Let's Encrypt and revokes/deletes the old one):

$ zendphp-vhost chgname

Change vhost port to non-secure (non-ssl enabled) port:

$ zendphp-vhost chgport 81 http

Change vhost port to secure (ssl) port (also runs certbot command to configure certificate):

$ zendphp-vhost chgport 444 https

Remove virtual host (also asks whether to preserve or delete the document root directory as well as configuration files, and asks to revoke/delete the previously installed certificate):

$ zendphp-vhost remove


The zendphp-switch script allows you to switch between ZendPHP versions.


zendphp-switch (action) (version) (vhost domain)


  • action: One of: to, off.
  • version: PHP version (currently possible: 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1 or 8.2)
  • vhost domain: Virtual host you want to switch the PHP version on.


Switch from current ZendPHP version to 7.4:

$ zendphp-switch to 7.4

Switch ZendPHP 7.4 FPM process off:

zendphp-switch off 7.4