

pluginDeploy --pluginPackage= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Deploy a plugin.

  • --pluginPackage
    Deploy package file. Content type for the file must be ‘application/vnd.zend.pluginpackage’.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


pluginUpdate --pluginPackage= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Update a plugin.

  • --pluginPackage
    Deploy package file. Content type for the file must be ‘application/vnd.zend.pluginpackage’.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


disablePlugins --plugins= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Disable plugin entries.

  • --plugins
    Comma separated list of plugin identifiers.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


pluginRemove --pluginId= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Remove a plugin.

  • --pluginId
    Plugin identifier.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


pluginSynchronize --pluginId= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Redeploy a plugin.

  • --pluginId
    Plugin identifier.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


enablePlugins --plugins= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Enable plugin entries.

  • --plugins
    Comma separated list of plugin identifiers.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


pluginGetList [--order=] [--direction=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get a list of plugin entries.

  • --order
    Column identifier for sorting the result set (id, name, version, creationTimeTimestamp). Default is id.
  • --direction
    Sorting direction: ASC or DESC. Default is DESC
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


initPlugin [--folder=]

Create new plugin skeleton

  • --folder
    Folder where the source code will be located


packPlugin [--folder=] [--destination=] [--name=]

Create a ZIP plugin package from the code in `folder`

  • --folder
    Folder where the source code is located
  • --destination
    Folder in which to save the created ZIP file
  • --name
    The name of the plugin. If not provided the name will be constructed from the name of the application and its version.