

jobqueueGetQueues [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get list of all jobqueue queues.

  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueCreateQueue --name= [--status=] [--priority=] [--max_http_jobs=] [--max_wait_time=] [--connection_timeout=] [--http_job_timeout=] [--http_job_retry_count=] [--http_job_retry_timeout=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Add new queue to Jobqueue queues list, and get back the new created ID.

  • --name
    The unique name of the new queue. Length: 2 - 32 characters.
  • --status
    Can be 1 (active) or 2 (suspended). Default is 1.
  • --priority
    Value between 0 and 4. (4 is highest priority). Default is 2.
  • --max_http_jobs
    Max concurrent jobs in this queue. Default is 5.
  • --max_wait_time
    Max waiting time for a job inside a queue. used to avoid starvation. Default is 5.
  • --connection_timeout
    Number of seconds the daemon tries to establish a connection with a back-end server. Default is 30.
  • --http_job_timeout
    Number of seconds a URL-based job must be completed. Default is 120.
  • --http_job_retry_count
    Number of retries for failed HTTP jobs. Default is 10.
  • --http_job_retry_timeout
    The number of seconds between retries for failed HTTP jobs. Default is 1.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueUpdateQueue --id= [--name=] [--status=] [--priority=] [--max_http_jobs=] [--max_wait_time=] [--connection_timeout=] [--http_job_timeout=] [--http_job_retry_count=] [--http_job_retry_timeout=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Update queue in queues list.

  • --id
    The ID of the queue.
  • --name
    The unique name of the new queue. Length: 2 - 32 characters.
  • --status
    Can be 1 (active) or 2 (suspended). Default is 1.
  • --priority
    Value between 0 and 4. (4 is highest priority). Default is 2.
  • --max_http_jobs
    Max concurrent jobs in this queue. Default is 5.
  • --max_wait_time
    Max waiting time for a job inside a queue. used to avoid starvation. Default is 5.
  • --connection_timeout
    Number of seconds the daemon tries to establish a connection with a back-end server. Default is 30.
  • --http_job_timeout
    Number of seconds a URL-based job must be completed. Default is 120.
  • --http_job_retry_count
    Number of retries for failed HTTP jobs. Default is 10.
  • --http_job_retry_timeout
    The number of seconds between retries for failed HTTP jobs. Default is 1.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueDeleteQueue --id= [--delete_related_stuff=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Update queue in queues list.

  • --id
    The ID of the queue.
  • --delete_related_stuff
    Delete related rules and future jobs (pending, scheduled and suspended). The value can be 0 or 1. Default is 0.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueSuspendQueue --id= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Suspend queue. "Pause" queue's jobs.

  • --id
    The ID of the queue.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueImportQueues --delete_current= --file= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Import action for queues. Upload the backup file using this web api.

  • --delete_current
    Accepts 1 or 0. 1 is to delete the current queues before import
  • --file
    Location of the file to be imported.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueExportQueues [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get the backup file for the queues. The file is zipped sql file.

  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueQueueStats [--queue_id=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get queue live statistics - running and pending jobs.

  • --queue_id
    Get statistics for the requested queue only.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueActivateQueue [--id=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Reactivate a queue and un-pause queue jobs.

  • --id
    The ID of the queue.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


debuggerSettings --activeDebugger= [--studioAllowedHostsList=] [--studioDeniedHostsList=] [--studioAutoDetection=] [--studioHost=] [--studioAutoDetectionEnabled=] [--studioPort=] [--studioUseSsl=] [--studioBreakOnFirstLine=] [--studioUseRemote=] [--remote_enable=] [--remote_handler=] [--remote_host=] [--remote_port=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Choose preferred debugger - zend debugger, xdebug or none, and change debugger settings.

  • --activeDebugger
    Debugger name: "Zend Debugger", "xdebug" or "none"
  • --studioAllowedHostsList
    Comma separated list of allowed hosts. Example:,
  • --studioDeniedHostsList
    Comma separated list of denied hosts. Example:,
  • --studioAutoDetection
    1 or 0. Auto-detect IDE settings.
  • --studioHost
    Host IP/name.
  • --studioAutoDetectionEnabled
    1 or 0. Detect IDE IP/host automatically by the browser IP.
  • --studioPort
    IDE port.
  • --studioUseSsl
    1 or 0. Connect with IDE using SSL.
  • --studioBreakOnFirstLine
    1 or 0. Tell the debugger to break on first line.
  • --studioUseRemote
    1 or 0. 1 is to use local copy if available.
  • --remote_enable
    Xdebug setting: 1 or 0. Use local copy if available
  • --remote_handler
    Xdebug setting: Allowed values are "php3", "gdb", or "dbgp". xdebug 2.1 and higher supports only "dbgp" protocol
  • --remote_host
    Xdebug setting: IDE host/IP.
  • --remote_port
    Xdebug setting: IDE port.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueJobInfo --id= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Retrieve and display a list of jobs.

  • --id
    ID of the job.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


getJQPulseTypes [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get the list Pulse types.

  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


JQPulseStatus [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get the jq Pulse status.

  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


JQFailedTypesExecutions [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get the list of job failures.

  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


JQExecutions [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get the list of job executions ordered by success and failures.

  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


JQExecutionStats [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get the list of job types statistics, also the total served and success ratio.

  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


getExecuteJobsFlag [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get execute jobs flag.

  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueStatistics [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Retrieve and display JobQueue daemon statistics. Note that these statistics are collected separately from the centralized Statistics mechanism.

  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueJobsList [--limit=] [--offset=] [--orderBy=] [--direction=] [--filter=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Job Queue API actions provide external actors with ways to query and manipulate jobs and their recurring definitions.

  • --limit
    Row limit to retrieve, defaults to value defined in zend-user-user.ini
  • --offset
    The page offset to be displayed, defaults to 0
  • --orderBy
    Column to sort the result by. Defaults to Date
  • --direction
    Sorting direction , defaults to Desc.
  • --filter
    Associative array, accteps any of the following keys: app_id, name, script, priority, status, rule_id, scheduled_before, scheduled_after, executed_before, executed_after, freeText The priority key, accepts the following values: low, normal, high, urgent. The status key, accepts the following values: Active, Waiting, Running, Completed, Failed, Timeout, Removed, Scheduled, Suspended
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueDeleteJobs --jobs= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Delete job queue.

  • --jobs
    A list of Job IDs
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueDeleteJobsByPredefinedFilter [--filterName=] [--filter=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Delete job queue jobs according to a filter.

  • --filterName
    A predefined filter's name. This parameter is case-sensitive.
  • --filter
    Associative array, accepts any of the following keys: app_id, name, script, priority, status, rule_id, scheduled_before, scheduled_after, executed_before, executed_after, freeText The priority key, accepts the following values: low, normal, high, urgent. The status key, accepts the following values: Active, Waiting, Running, Completed, Failed, Timeout, Removed, Scheduled, Suspended
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueRequeueJobs --jobs= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Requeue a job.

  • --jobs
    A comma separated list of Job IDs
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueRulesList [--limit=] [--offset=] [--orderBy=] [--direction=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Retrieve and display a list of jobs rules.

  • --limit
    Row limit to retrieve, defaults to value defined in zend-user-user.ini.
  • --offset
    The page offset to be displayed, defaults to 0.
  • --orderBy
    Column to sort the result by, defaults to Date.
  • --direction
    Sorting direction , defaults to Desc.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueRuleInfo --id= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Retrieve and display a job rule information.

  • --id
    Rule ID
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueSaveRule --url= --options= [--vars=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Create a job queue rule.

  • --url
    A URL for the job.
  • --options
    Rule options.
  • --vars
    Variables for the rule.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueDisableRules --rules= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Suspend a job queue rule.

  • --rules
    A comma-separated list of rule IDs.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueResumeRules --rules= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Resume a suspended job queue rule.

  • --rules
    A comma-separated list of rule IDs.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueDeleteRules --rules= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Delete a job queue rule.

  • --rules
    A comma-separated list of rule IDs.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueRunNowRule --rule= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Run a scheduled job that was scheduled for a later time.

  • --rule
    A rule ID.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


jobqueueAddJob --url= [--vars=] [--options=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Create a new job.

  • --url
    A URL for the job.
  • --vars
    Variables for the rule, passed to the ZendJobQueue API.
  • --options
    Rule options, passed to the ZendJobQueue API.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.