

configurationExport [--directivesBlacklist=] [--snapshotName=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Export the current server/cluster configuration into a file.

  • --directivesBlacklist
    Added in v1.3. Allows passing an array of blacklist directives which will not be exported. If the parameter is not passed, the list of blacklist directives is taken from <ZendGuiDir>/config/autoload/global.config.php.
  • --snapshotName
    Added in v1.3. If this argument is passed, then a a snapshot will be created from the exported configuration. If such a snapshot already exists, then the command will fail.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


configurationExport --directivesBlacklist="zend_optimizerplus.blacklist_filename,pgsql.auto_reset_persistent"


configurationImport --configFile= [--ignoreSystemMismatch=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Import a saved configuration snapshot into the server.

  • --configFile
    The configuration snapshot file to import.
  • --ignoreSystemMismatch
    If set to TRUE, configuration must be applied even if it was exported from a different system (other major PHP version, Zend Server version or operating system). The default value is FALSE.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


configurationGetServerData [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get the server data - all the available data about the server - its status, basic configuration, and useful information.

  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


configurationGetMonitoringSettings [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get monitoring settings values - like monitoring, statistics and URL insight components status (enabled / disabled) and other relavent directives - check the response example. The API is used in monitoring settings page.

  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


emailSend --to= [--toName=] --from= [--fromName=] --subject= --templateName= [--templateParams=] [--headers=] [--html=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Send email, for example, to warn the admin of an error.

  • --to
    Valid email address of a recipient.
  • --toName
    Name the recipient.
  • --from
    Valid email address from your domain.
  • --fromName=
    This is name appended to the from email field.
  • --subject
    The subject of your email.
  • --templateName
    The template name without an extension .phtml.
  • --templateParams
    Parameters that will be assigned to your template.
  • --headers
    Add a raw header line, either in name1=value1&name2=value2 (valid query string format).
  • --html
    The content type: ‘true’ for html, ‘false’ for plain text. Default is true.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


emailSend --subject="Failed test" --templateName="failed" --templateParams="user=Peter&type=error" --headers="X-Importance=High&"


configurationExtensionsOn --extensions= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Activate an extension by loading it. This action requires a restart be performed on the server to apply the change.

  • --extensions
    Comma separated list of extensions to activate.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


configurationExtensionsOn --extensions="mysql,gd,ftp"


configurationExtensionsOff --extensions= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Deactivate an extension by unloading it. This action requires a restart be performed on the server to apply the change.

  • --extensions
    Comma separated list of extensions to deactivate. Example: configurationExtensionsOff --extensions="mysql,gd,ftp"
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


configurationValidateDirectives --directives= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Validate and list directives and their corresponding values. Directives are validated according to their type and a predefined validation scheme. This action does not make any configuration changes.

  • --directives
    HTTP query string representing associative array of directive names and values to be validated
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


configurationValidateDirectives --directives="date.timezone=Europe/Berlin&allow_url_include=Off"


configurationStoreDirectives --directives= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Validate and store a list of directives and their corresponding values in the server’s configuration. Directives are validated according to their type and a predefined validation scheme.

  • --directives
    HTTP query string representing associative array of directive names and values to be validated
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


configurationStoreDirectives --directives="date.timezone=Europe/Berlin&allow_url_include=Off"


configurationSearch --query= [--filter=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Retrieve a list of extension and directive names that correspond to a search executed on a filter.

  • --query
    Search keyword
  • --filter
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


configurationSearch --query="gob" --filter="All Extensions"


configurationExtensionsList [--type=] [--order=] [--direction=] [--filter=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Retrieve a list of extensions and associated information. This list can be filtered by extension type (PHP Extension and Zend Extension). This list of extensions contains only meta and operation information about the extension, and does not include directives and internal state.

  • --type
    Retrieve only extensions of a specific type (one of “all”, ”zend”, “php”). Default: All
  • --order
    Column to sort the result by (name, status). Default: (extension) name
  • --direction
    Sorting direction: ASC or DESC. Default: ASC
  • --filter
    Apply a certain case-insensitive string filter to the extensions returned


    configurationExtensionsList --type=php --order=name --direction=ASC

  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


configurationDirectivesList [--extension=] [--daemon=] [--filter=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Retrieve a filtered list of directives and associated information. This list can be filtered by extension name, however if an invalid or non-existing extension is passed, an valid empty result will be returned.

  • --extension
    Retrieve only directives of a specific extension. Default: Retrieve all known directives regardless of extensions. If no extension name is provided, the output will be modified so that the extension element is empty
  • --daemon
    Retrieve only directives of a specific zend daemon. Note that both extension and daemon parameters cannot be passed.
  • --filter
    Filter out the directives returned according to a certain text.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


configurationDirectivesList --extension="mysql"


configurationComponentsList [--filter=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Retrieve a list of zend components and associated information. Each component holds information both on it’s extension and it’s daemon (service). If the component does not have a daemon, then daemon status returned is ‘None’.

  • --filter
    Apply a certain case-insensitive string filter to the components returned.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


configurationComponentsList --filter="zend_opti"


configurationRevertChanges --serverId= [--doRestart=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Revert the configuration on a given server to their default settings.

  • --serverId
    ID of the server that needed to be reverted to blueprint
  • --doRestart
    Whether to restart after the changes were reverted.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


configurationApplyChanges --serverId= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Apply the configuration changes on a given server to the blueprint. In a cluster environment, this will apply the changes to all servers in the cluster.

  • --serverId
    ID of the server that needed to be reverted to blueprint
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


configurationReset --configFile= [--ignoreSystemMismatch=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Import a saved configuration snapshot into the server.

  • --configFile
    Configuration snapshot file to import.
  • --ignoreSystemMismatch
    If set to TRUE, configuration must be applied even if it was exported from a different system (other major PHP version, ZS version or operating system). Default is FALSE.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.