

codetracingList [--applications=] [--freetext=] [--type=] [--limit=] [--offset=] [--orderBy=] [--direction=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Retrieve a list of code-tracing files available for download using codetracingDownloadTraceFile.

  • --applications
    List of application IDs. If specified, code-tracing entries will be returned for these applications only. Default: all applications
  • --freetext
    If specified, code-tracing entries will be returned based on URL or ID
  • --type
    • Defaults to -1: All types
    • 0: Triggered by Code
    • 1: Triggered by Event
    • 2: Manual request
    • 3: Triggered by segmentation fault
  • --limit
    Row limit to retrieve, defaults to value defined in zend-user-user.ini
  • --offset
    The page offset to be displayed, defaults to 0
  • --orderBy
    Column to sort the result by (Id, Date, Url, CreatedBy, Filesize), defaults to Date.
  • --direction
    Sorting direction , defaults to Desc
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


codetracingGetDbFileSize --traceId= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get the actual size of the dump DB file.

  • --traceId
    Trace Id.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


codetracingGetRootNode --traceId= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get the root node of the codetracing tree.

  • --traceId
    Trace Id.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


codetracingGetNodeChildren --traceId= --nodeId= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get list of children of a node.

  • --traceId
    Trace Id.
  • --nodeId
    Node Id.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


codetracingGetPathToSearchResult --traceId= [--searchString=] [--counter=] [--getErrors=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get the open tree until the counter-th node that matches the search string or the error (error means script error, segfault, event, etc).
The response is unique (usually nodes do not have a "children" key), and it has special treatment on the client side.

  • --searchString
    Search string.
  • --counter
  • --getErrors
    Get errors.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


codetracingGetFunctionsList --traceId= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get list of all the functions with their basic statistics.

  • --traceId
    Trace Id.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


codetracingGetFunctionCalls --traceId= --functionName= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get list of calls to that function in the application.

  • --traceId
    Trace Id.
  • --functionName
    Function name.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


codetracingDisable [--restartNow=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Disable the two code-tracing directives necessary for creating tracing dumps. This action does not disable the code-tracing component. This action unsets the special 'zend_monitor.developer_mode' and 'zend_monitor.event_generate_trace_file' directives.

  • --restartNow
    Perform a php restart as part of the action to apply the new settings. Defaults to true .
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


codetracingEnable [--restartNow=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Set the special 'zend_monitor.developer_mode' and 'zend_monitor.event_generate_trace_file' directives.

  • --restartNow
    Perform a php restart as part of the action to apply the new settings, defaults to true
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


codetracingIsEnabled [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Check the values of the special 'zend_monitor.developer_mode' and 'zend_monitor.event_generate_trace_file' directives. The action also checks the current status of the Code Tracing component and whether a restart is required in order for the directives settings to come into effect.

  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


codetracingCreate --url= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Create a new code-tracing entry.

  • --url
    URL to call the code tracing request.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


codetracingGetInfo --id= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Get a code tracing entry.

  • --id
    Code trace file id.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


codetracingDelete --traceFile= [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Delete a code-tracing file entry.

  • --traceFile
    Trace file identifier or a list of Trace file identifiers. The option to pass an array was added in version 1.3.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.


codetracingDownloadTraceFile --traceFile= [--eventsGroupId=] [--target=] [--zsurl=] [--zskey=] [--zssecret=] [--zsversion=] [--http=] [--output-format=] 

Download the amf file specified by the codetracing identifier.

  • --traceFile
    Trace file identifier.
  • --eventsGroupId
    EventsGroupId associated with the tracefile. This parameter can serve instead of the traceFile parameter.
  • --output-format
    Output format. Default is "xml", but you can use "json", or "kv" for key-value.