The XML Descriptor File

The application/library XML skeleton script is made up of the following elements:

  • type - The type of packaged application: PHP application or library.

  • name (Required) - The application/library name.
  • summary - The application short description.

  • description - The application long description.

  • version (Required) - The application version number.

  • releasedate - The application release date.
  • eula - The EULA file.

  • appdir - The applications directory. By default, this is the data folder of your package.

  • docroot - The alias will point to the directory you specify.

  • scriptsdir - The directory in which your scripts are located. By default, this is the scripts folder of your package.

  • healthcheck - Add the relative URLl you would like Zend Server to check against for Application Health Check. This checks if the URL returns a 200 (OK) response or an error response.

  • updateurl - The URL for updating applications.
  • dependencies - The dependencies that must be met (and will be validated) during the deployment process.

  • user parameters - The parameters for the deployment process. These, along with the values you define, will appear in the User Parameters dialog during deployment. For more information see Deploying an Application.

  • variables - Define environment variables for the deployment scripts.

  • persistent resources - Any files or directories you do not want removed from the server after removing or updating the application.


The descriptor file is validated by an XSD file in the server. For an example of the file see The XSD File.


Usage Example