The jobFilterGetMetaData Web API Method

Get meta data of the jobs list, like the "operations" list and the "outcome". This data is used for the filters above the table.

Version: 1.15

Required Permissions: Full

HTTP method: GET

Supported by Editions: Zend Server

Request Parameters: None

Expected Response Code: 200 OK - Returned for a successful request.

Possible Action Specific Error Codes: None.


Usage Example


GET /ZendServer/Api/jobFilterGetMetaData



"filter_priority": {

"low": "low",

"normal": "normal",

"high": "high",

"urgent": "urgent"


"job_priority": {

"0": "urgent",

"1": "high",

"2": "normal",

"3": "low"


"status": {

"Waiting": "Waiting",

"Running": "Running",

"Completed": "Completed",

"Successful": "Successful",

"Logical failure": "Logical failure",

"Backend not responding": "Backend not responding",

"Target not found": "Target not found",

"HTTP error": "HTTP error",

"Failed to start": "Failed to start",

"Failed predecessor": "Failed predecessor",

"Job timeout": "Job timeout",

"Scheduled": "Scheduled",

"Waiting for retry": "Waiting for retry"


"jobStatusDescriptor": {

"0": "Waiting",

"1": "Waiting",

"2": "Running",

"3": "Completed",

"4": "Successful",

"6": "Logical failure",

"7": "Job timeout",

"8": "Removed",

"9": "Scheduled",

"10": "Waiting for retry",

"11": "Backend not responding",

"12": "Target not found",

"13": "HTTP error",

"14": "Failed to start",

"15": "Failed predecessor"


"app_ids": {

"25": "WordPress",

"26": "zend-web-api-client",

"-1": "Unmanaged Code"


"rule_ids": {

"1": "greg1",

"2": "zswac scan_web_apis"


"queue_ids": {

"1": "Default",

"2": "zswac"

