Setting Up a Cluster

This topic describes how to setup a Zend Server cluster on IBM SmartCloud.

Step 1: Adding a New Pattern Type

Our first step is to add a new Zend Server pattern type.

You can either bring your own Zend Server 6 license, or add a new Zend Server Enterprise or Professional edition.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To add a new pattern type:

  1. In your IBM SmartCloud Application Workload Service (SCAWS) UI, select Cloud | Pattern Types from the menu-bar.
  2. On the top-right corner of the Pattern Type list, click the Add (+) icon.
    The Install a Pattern Type wizard is displayed.
  3. In the Import a Pattern Type from SCE tab, click the Type drop-down menu, and select Public.
  4. From the Pattern Type list displayed below, select the type of Zend Server pattern you wish to install: Zend Server Enterprise Edition, Zend Server Professional Edition, or Zend Server BYOL (bring your own license).
  5. Click OK.
    The new Zend Server pattern type is added to the Pattern Type list on the left of the screen, and beneath it a Zend Server plugin.
  6. Select the Zend Server plugin.
    The details for the plugin are displayed on the right.
  7. Click Enable, to change the plugin status from Unavailable to Available.



Step 2: Adding a New Virtual Application

Next, we are going to add a new virtual Zend Server application.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To add a new virtual application:

  1. In the menu-bar, select Patterns | Virtual Applications.
  2. On the left side of the screen, click the Virtual Applications Patterns dropdown menu, and select the Zend Server pattern type.
  3. On the top-right corner of the Virtual Applications list, click the Add (+) icon.
    The Create Application wizard is displayed.
  4. Click Start Building.
    The Virtual Builder UI is opened.



Step 3: Building a Single Zend Server Virtual Application

In this step we will build our virtual Zend Server application.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To build a single Zend Server virtual application:

  1. From the Component list on the left, drag and drop the Zend Server component into the virtual application building area.
  2. In the Component Properties panel on the right, enter the password for the Zend Server UI.
  3. In the Virtual Application screen, click the Add (+) icon on the top-right corner of the Zend Server component box, and select Zend Server Scaling Policy.

  4. In the Component Properties panel on the right, configure your Zend Server scaling policy.

  5. Add MySQL component:

    1. From the Component list on the left, drag and drop the MySQL component into the virtual application building area.

    2. In the Component Properties panel on the right, enter your MySQL database password.

  6. From the Component list on the left, drag and drop the Load Balancer component into the virtual application building area.

  7. Connect the components:

    1. Click the connector on the right border of the Load Balancer component, and connect to the Zend Server component.

    2. Click the connector on the right border of the Zend Server component, and connect to the MySQL component.

  8. Optional - Add DB2 database in addition to MySQL:

    1. In the Component list on the left, expand the Database Components menu, and drag and drop the DB2 component into the virtual application building area.

    2. Click the connector on the right border of the DB2 component, and connect to the Zend Server component.

  9. In the top-left corner of the screen, click Save.
  10. Click (x) in the top-right corner of the UI to close the builder.
  11. The new virtual application is displayed in the Virtual Application Patterns list.



Step 4: Deploying a Single Zend Server Virtual Application

Once we have completed adding and building our new virtual Zend Server application, all that is left is to deploy it.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To deploy Zend Server:

  1. In the top-right corner of the virtual application details , click Deploy.
    The Deploy Virtual Application wizard is displayed.
  2. Configure the deployment:
    1. Name – Enter the identifying virtual application name
    2. Estimate cost of deployment – Configure your preferred billing policy
    3. Advanced – If you want SSH access to Zend Server, enter your SSH key.
  3. Click OK.
    Your virtual application is deployed.


To view and manage your virtual application, select Instances | Virtual Application Instances from the menu-bar.