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Zend Framework Development

Zend Framework is Zend's open source, object-oriented web application framework implemented in PHP 5.


For information on Zend Framework, visit the Zend Framework site at: or for the Zend Framework Reference Manual.

Zend Framework Project and Element Creation

Zend Studio's Zend Framework integration functions allow you to create a new Zend Framework Project that is organized into Framework's Controller-Model-View system. The project will have Zend Framework's libraries added to its include path, allowing access to all Zend Framework's elements.


The new Zend Framework project that is created in Zend Studio will contain basic files for a simple "Hello, World!" program.

When a Zend Framework Project is created, you will be prompted to open the Zend Framework Perspective, containing the MVC Outline view.

MVC View


To manually open the Zend Framework Perspective, go to Window | Open Perspective | Zend Framework.

Once you have created a Zend Framework project, you can use Zend Studio's New Zend Table, Zend View, Zend Controller, Zend Module, Zend View Helper or Zend Action Helper Wizards to create new Zend Framework elements.

Zend Framework Content Assist

Once Zend Framework's libraries are included in a project's include path, its classes, functions, iterators and variables will be available for use from the Content Assist window. Simply press Z followed by Ctrl+Space in the Editor to view the list of available Zend Framework elements:

Zend Framework Code Assist Options

For more on Zend Framework, visit the Zend Framework site at or the Zend Framework Reference Manual at For more external resources, see Useful Links.



Related Links:

Developing with Zend Framework

Creating Zend Framework Projects

Creating Zend Framework Elements

Searching the Zend Framework Site



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