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Working with Symfony Eclipse


How do I install plugins in Zend Studio?

Enabling Symfony

After installing the Symfony plugin, you will need to make your project Symfony aware.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To add Symfony to your project:

In the PHP Explorer, right-click your project and select Symfony | Add/Remove Symfony Nature.
 Symfony project nature is added to your project.


Creating a Symfony Project

This procedure describes how to create a new Symfony project.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To create a new Symfony project:

  1. Go to File | New | Other.
    The New Project Wizard's Select a wizard dialog is displayed.

  1. Type Symfony in the Wizards field, select Symfony Project and click Next.
    The New Symfony project dialog is displayed.

  1. Set the following parameters:

  • Project Name: Enter the name of your project.

  • Contents: Select the location of your project.

    • Create new project in workspace

    • Create project at existing location

    • Create project on a local server

  • Project Layout: Select the project layout and Symfony version.

  • JavaScript Support:Mark the Enable JavaScript support checkbox to add this feature to your project.

  • Symfony: Mark the Enable Twig support and Enable Doctrine support checkboxes to add these features to your project.

  1. Click Next.
    The PHP Include Path dialog is displayed.

  1. Configure the project's source folders, project folders, libraries and order, or Finish  to create your project.
    Your Symfony project is created and is displayed in the PHP Explorer.





Related Links

Related Links:
Customizing Zend Studio Using the Welcome Page

Working with Plugins



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