You are here: User Guide > Tasks > Working with Plugins > Working with SVN 1.7 Connector

Working with SVN 1.7 Connector

This procedure describes how to connect to a SVN 1.7.4 repository in Zend Studio.


How do I install plugins in Zend Studio?



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To connect to SVN 1.7.4:

  1. From the Menu-bar, select Window | Preferences | Team | SVN.

  1. Select the SVN Connector tab.
  2. Click the SVN Connector drop-down menu, and select SVNKit 1.7.4.
  3. Click OK.

You can now work with SVN 1.7.4 repositories.



Related Links

Related Links:

Creating a New Project from SVN

Customizing SVN Integration

Importing Projects from SVN

Accessing an Existing SVN Checkout

Uploading Projects to SVN




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