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Working with RSS


How do I install plugins in Zend Studio?

Viewing RSS Feeds

These procedures describe how to view RSS feeds within Zend Studio's RSS view and how to add additional RSS channels.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To view RSS feeds:

  1. Open the RSS view by going to Window | Show View | RSS.

RSS view

  1. The RSS reader comes pre-loaded with the Zend Developer Zone feed and the Zend In the Press feed.

  2. Click the required heading to expand the list and see all the news items underneath it.
    You can group the items by channels or by time by clicking the view's menu icon and selecting the relevant option (Group by Channels / Group by Time).

  3. Double-click the item you want to view to open it in Zend Studio's internal browser.


Adding an RSS Channel



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To add an RSS channel:

  1. Open the RSS view by going to Window | Show View | RSS.

  2. Click the View Menu icon and select Subscribe.

  3. The Add New Channel dialog will be displayed.

Add New RSS Channel dialog

  1. Enter the URL of the site from which the RSS feeds will come, and click OK.

The new RSS feed will be displayed in your RSS view.



Related Links:


Working with Plugins



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