You are here: Installation and Upgrade Guide > Upgrading Zend Studio

Upgrading Zend Studio

There are two methods for upgrading Zend Studio:

  1. Installing the most up to date Zend Studio package from the Zend Website. For more information see Installing Zend Studio 9.0 and Above.

  2. Updating an existing Zend Studio Installation.
    If you have an existing Zend Studio installation, you can upgrade using Studio’s Update Manager, which allows you to update your existing plugins and features.

Updating an Existing Zend Studio Installation

This procedure describes how to upgrade Zend Studio when there is already a previous version installed.


Upgrading an existing installation can be performed when upgrading to/from a minor version of Zend Studio (i.e, from 9.0.0 to 9.0.1). It is not possible to upgrade to/from a major version of Zend Studio (i.e, from 8.0 to 9.0).

In order to update you should sign on to your operating system with the same user permissions that were used during the initial installation of Zend Studio.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To update an existing Zend Studio installation:

  1. Launch Zend Studio.

  2. From the Menu Bar, go to Help | Check for Updates.
    The Contacting Software Sites screen opens with a progress bar as it searches for available updates.

  3. If there are any updates, the Available Updates wizard opens.

  1. Select which updates you would like to install and click Next.
    The Update Details dialog opens.

  1. Review and confirm the updates that are waiting to be installed and click Next.
    The Review Licenses dialog opens.

  1. Review the licenses and select the ‘I accept the terms of the License Agreement’ checkbox and click Finish.
    The Update screen opens with a progress bar of the updates.

  2. From this screen you can:

  • Run the update in the background - Choose to run the updates in the background by clicking Run in Background or select the ‘Always run in background’ checkbox to save your choice for the future.

  • Cancel the update - Click Cancel to cancel the update.

  • Expand/collapse the update details - Click Details to expand or collapse the details of the update.
    The progress bar will close when the updates are complete.

  1. When prompted, restart Zend Studio.
     Zend Studio restarts with the updates installed.


Importing Remote Connections

Zend Studio now allows you to import remote connections, ensuring that the upgrade to a newer version of Zend Studio does not disrupt your existing connection configurations.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To import remote connections from your old workspace:

  1. On the Welcome Page, click Import remote connection
    Go to File | Import.
    The Import dialog is displayed.

  1. Select Zend Imports | Remote connection import and click Next.
    The Import remote connection dialog is displayed.

  1. Click Browse to enter the location for the folder containing your remote connection configurations.
    The available connections are displayed in the window below.

  2. Click Finish.
    Your old connection configurations are imported into your workspace.


Post-Upgrade Checklist

Because Zend Studio 9.0 incorporates a number of new features and changes, invariably some people upgrading from previous versions may experience some compatibility issues that can be easily worked around by completing all, or some, of the actions listed in the table below.  

If you are able to contribute further information, a solution or workaround to any of these known issues, we would certainly appreciate hearing from you via the forums.



Action Description

Issue Name

Issue Description

Install plugins


Zend Studio now allows you to customize your workspace by manually installing and uninstalling the various extra plugins.

How do I install plugins in Zend Studio?

What plugin are available for installation?

Missing plugins

After upgrading your version of  Zend Studio you find that various plugins are not part of your installation.

Import projects

Zend Studio enables you to easily import your old projects and files into your new workspace.

How do I import projects into my workspace?

Missing projects

After upgrading your version of  Zend Studio you find that your old projects are no longer part of your workspace.

Import remote connection

Zend Studio enables you to import previously configured remote connections.

How do I import a remote connection into Zend Studio?

No remote connections

After upgrading your version of  Zend Studio you find that your previously configured remote connections are no longer valid.

Re-configure SVN connection


How do I  configure an SVN connection?

Lost SVN connection

After upgrading your version of  Zend Studio you discover that your connection to a remote SVN repository is no longer functioning.

Insert new license

Zend Studio 9 requires a new license key.

Depending on your current SLA and your license expiration date, you may have received a free license upgrade. To see whether this is the case, login to My Account and open the Licenses tab:

  • If you can see Zend Stuido 9 in the list, it means that your license has been upgraded and you can get the license key by clicking the Get License link.

  • If Zend Studio 9 is not in the list, go to the Renewals tab. If you are eligible for the renewal, you will see a Renew License link. This link will take you to Zend Online Store with the product in your basket.

Zend Studio 8.0 license key not working

After installing Zend Studio 9.0, you attempt to insert your old Zend Studio 8.0 license key only to find out that this does not allow you to work with the program.

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