You are here: User Guide > Tasks > Working with Plugins > Interacting with Code Gallery Sites

Interacting with Code Gallery Sites

These procedures describe how to connect to the Zend Code Gallery site to download Zend's code snippets,how to add a new Code Gallery site, how to update your Code Gallery list, how to suggest code snippets you have created to the site for use by others and how to give a rating to downloaded code snippets.


For more information on installing plugins in Zend Studio, see Customizing Zend Studio Using the Welcome Page.

Accessing the Zend Code Gallery



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To access the Zend Code Gallery:

  1. Open the Code Gallery view by going to Window | Show View | Other | PHP Tools | Code Gallery.

  2. Expand the node next to the Zend Code Gallery list.
    If no node appears, click the 'synchronize with site' button to reactivate it.

  3. A login dialog will appear.

Zend Network Login

  1. Enter your Zend Network User name and Password.
    If you don't have a Zend Network ID, click the 'Sign up' link to be taken to the Zend Developer Zone registration site, or follow this link:

Your Zend Code Gallery list will be updated with all the code snippets from the Zend Code Gallery site, divided into categories.

Code Gallery view

Adding a Code Gallery Site to the Code Gallery List



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To add a Code Gallery site to the Code Gallery list:

  1. Open the Code Gallery preferences page by going to Window | Preferences | PHP | Code Gallery, or clicking the 'Configure Code Gallery' button on the Code Gallery view's toolbar.

  2. Follow the instructions under 'Adding a Code Gallery' in the 'Code Gallery preferences' help page.


Updating Your Code Gallery



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To update your Code Gallery:

  1. Open the Code Gallery view by going to Window | Show View | Code Gallery.

  2. Select the Code Gallery which you would like to update.

  3. Click the 'synchronize with site' button .

Your code gallery list will be updated with all the latest changes from the Code Gallery site.

Suggesting a Code Snippet be Added to a Code Gallery Site



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To suggest that a code snippet you have created be added to a Code Gallery site:

  1. Open the Code Gallery view by going to Window | Show View | Code Gallery.

  2. Expand the User Code Gallery node and right-click the code snippet you have created.

  3. Click Suggest.
    The Suggest to Code Gallery dialog will appear.

Code Gallery Suggestion

  1. Select the Code Gallery to which you would like to suggest your snippet from the Code Gallery drop-down list.

  2. Select the category to which you would like to associate it.

  3. Click OK.

Your code snippet will be sent to the chosen site for consideration.

Rating a Snippet Which You Have Downloaded from a Code Gallery



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To rate a snippet which you have downloaded from a Code Gallery:

  1. Open the Code Gallery view by going to Window | Show View | Code Gallery.

  2. Expand the relevant Code Gallery node and right-click the required code snippet.

  3. Select 'Rate...'.
    The 'Send your rating' dialog will appear.

Code Gallery Rating

  1. Select your rating for the snippet (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest).

  2. Press OK.

Your rating will be sent to the relevant Code Gallery site.



Related Links:

Using Code Galleries
Code Galleries

Inserting Code Snippets into your Script

Creating New Code Gallery Entries



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