You are here: User Guide > Tasks > Working with Deployment > deployment.xml Tab

deployment.xml Tab

The deployment.xml tab is the XML source file and includes the definitions you have inserted in the previous tabs.


Deployment settings can be changed and applied by editing the XML in this tab, yet is recommended that you apply any changes by working with the designated tabs.



Usage Example


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<package xmlns="" version="1.0">















    <parameter id="Parameter" readonly="false" required="false" type="string"/>

    <parameter display="sdsd" id="sParameter" readonly="false" required="false" type="string">



    <parameter id="Parameter" readonly="false" required="false" type="string"/>







Related Links

Related Links:

Enabling Deployment Support for Your Application

Overview Tab

Editing the Deployment XML Tab



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