You are here: User Guide > Reference > PHP Perspectives and Views > Console View

Console View

The Console View displays a variety of console types depending on the type of development and the current set of user settings. Click here for more details.

To manually open the Console view, go to Window | Show View | Console.

Toolbar Commands




Clear Console

Clears the currently active console, and is available as both a view command and a contextual menu item.

Display Selected Console

Opens a listing of current consoles and allows you to select which one you would like to see.

Open Console

Opens a new console of the selected type.


Pins the current console to remain on top of all other consoles.

Scroll Lock

Changes if scroll lock should be enabled or not in the current console.



Related Links:

PHP Perspective

PHP Functions View

PHP Project Outline View

Problems View

Outline View

Remote Systems View

Tasks View (External Link)




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