You are here: User Guide > Tasks > Integrating with Zend Server > Configuring Studio Communication Settings in Zend Server

Configuring Studio Communication Settings in Zend Server

In order for you to be able to view, debug and profile Zend Server Events in Zend Studio, you must ensure the correct communication settings are configured in your Zend Server.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To configure Zend Studio communication in Zend Server:

  1. Open your Zend Server GUI.

  1. Go to the Server Setup | Debugger tab.

List of Allowed Hosts

  1. Ensure the address of your Zend Studio is included in the Allowed Hosts sections. This will ensure you can debug/profile Events.
    To add an address to the list:

    1. Enter the IP address or Net mask of the machine on which your Zend Studio is installed .In Order to enter a Net mask, enter a range by entering the beginning of an IP address and adding '0' instead of the rest of the number. To make sure you are using Wildcards (*) to specify a range of IP's, select the pattern you want from the drop-down list.

    2. Click Add. Your Zend Studio machine's address will be added to the Allowed Hosts list.

  2. Ensure your Zend Studio's IP address is not in the Denied Hosts list.
    If it is, click Remove next to the required address to remove it from the list.

  1. Communication Tunnel Method

  1. In the Zend Server GUI, go to the Server Setup tab | Monitor and configure the following:

  • Auto detect the Zend Studio Client Settings - Set to 'On' to inform Zend Server of the method of connection to Zend Studio. This allows Zend Server to automatically detect your Zend Studio Debug settings.

  1. Click Save.

  2. Restart your Web Server for the settings to take effect.




Related Links:

Setting Up Zend Platform Integration

Defining  Zend Server in Zend Studio

Troubleshooting Zend Server Integration

Configuring Zend Server to Auto Detect Zend Studio Settings



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