You are here: User Guide > Tasks > Working with Plugins > Configuring an SVN Connection

Configuring an SVN Connection

Before you can add projects to or export projects from SVN, you must define your SVN repository settings. This procedure describes how to configure a connection to a SVN repository.


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Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To add a new SVN repository:

  1. Open the SVN perspective by going to Window | Open Perspective | Other | SVN Repository Exploring.

  2. In the SVN Repositories view, click the Add SVN Repository button on the view's toolbar -or- right-click within the SVN view and select New | Repository Location.
    The "Add SVN Repository" dialog will open.

  1. Enter the information required to identify and connect to the repository location:

  • URL - The URL on which your repository is located.

  • Label - Select whether to use the URL as the repository's name or to enter a new name.

  • Authentication - The user name and password you use to connect to SVN.
    Mark the Save password checkbox so that the password will be automatically inserted in the future.

  1. Click Finish.

Your SVN repository will now be added to the SVN Repository view.

See the Subversive User Guidefor more information on SVN.


Additional user guides can be accessed from inside Zend Studio by going to Help | Help Contents, or from the Eclipse Online Documentation site (



Related Links:

Using SVN

Importing Projects From SVN

Accessing an Existing SVN Checkout

Uploading Projects to SVN


Working with SVN



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