Remember to delete the PHP tags that are inserted by default when creating a new PHP file before pasting in the code.
Copy this code into your editor to test Zend Server Event Profiling:
* Converts Fahrenheit to Celsius (and back again)
* This sample application takes a number of degrees entered by the user and
* converts them from Fahrenheit to Celsius or vice versa
<title>Fahrenheit / Celsius PHP Convertor<MadCap:variable name="Primary.pageTitleVersion" /></title>
<h1>Fahrenheit / Celsius PHP Convertor</h1>
<form method="get">Enter number of degrees: <input type="text"
name="degrees" /><br />
<select name="conversion">
<option value="ctf">Celsius to Fahrenheit</option>
<option value="ftc">Fahrenheit to Celsius</option>
</select> <input type="submit" value="Convert!" /></form>
function myFunction() {
$degrees = ( int ) $_GET ['degrees'];
switch ($_GET ['conversion']) {
// Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
case 'ctf' :
convertCTF ( $degrees );
// Convert Fahrenheit to Celcius
case 'ftc' :
convertFTC ( $degrees );
function convertCTF($degrees) {
$result = sprintf ( "%0.2f", $degrees * 9 / 5 + 32 );
$message = "$degrees° Celsius is $result° Fahrenheit";
printMessage ( $message );
function convertFTC($degrees) {
$result = sprintf ( "%0.2f", ($degrees - 32) * 5 / 0 ); //Division by 0 error
$message = "$degrees° Fahrenheit is $result° Celsius";
printMessage ( $message );
function printMessage($message) {
echo "<hr /><strong><em>$message</em></strong><hr />";
if (isset ( $_GET ['degrees'] ) && isset ( $_GET ['conversion'] )) {
myFunction ();
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