User Guide > Reference > PHP Perspective Menus > Source Menu

Source Menu

The Source menu allows you to organize your scripts by adding or removing comments and formatting the script to make it more easily viewable.


The options available from the Source menu are:




Generate Element Comment


Adds a comment to the selected element.

Generate Getters and Setters...



Launches the Generate Getters and Setters Wizard to automatically create getter and setter functions for variables within the selected class.

See Generating Getters and Setters for more information.

Override/Implement Methods...


Launches the Override/implement Method Wizard to override/implement methods defined in the selected class's parent or interface.
See Overriding / Implementing Methods for more information.

Toggle Comment




Comments or uncomments a line by adding or removing "//" characters.

Comments are used for adding text to your script to explain sections of code. Commented text will not be run as part of your code.

To use this feature, select the line and press Ctrl+/.

See Commenting Code for more information.

Add Block Comment


Comments a block by adding "/*" and "*/" characters to either side of the code.

To use this feature, select the block and press Ctrl+Shift+/.

See Commenting Code for more information.

Remove Block Comment


Removes a block comment.

To use this feature, place the cursor anywhere within the comment and click Ctrl+Shift+\.

See Commenting Code for more information.

Shift Left


Shifts source code to the left.

Shift Right


Shifts source code to the right.

Cleanup Document...


Sorts and organizes the source code in the document.



Auto formats a script to organize it into an easily readable format.

To format your code, place your cursor anywhere within the editor view and press Ctrl+Shift+F. Appropriate line breaks and indents will be added.

You can configure your auto-formatting options through the Formatter Preferences page , accessible from Window | Preferences | PHP | Formatter.
See Formatting Code for more information.

Format Active Elements


Only formats selected code.

To format active elements, select the required code to format and press Ctrl+I.

Appropriate line breaks and indents will be added to the active elements.

You can configure your auto-formatting options through the Formatter Preferences page , accessible from Window | Preferences | PHP | Formatter.

See Formatting Code for more information.

Occurrences in File




Read Also

  PHP Perspective Menus