User Guide > Reference > PHP Perspectives and Views > PHP Debug Perspective > Servers View

Servers View

The Servers view displays a list of all servers configured in Zend Studio , and allows you to connect to and view any Zend Servers configured on your system.

Servers View

Toolbar Commands




Show Server Event List

Opens the Zend Server event list for the Zend Server selected in the Servers list (if applicable).

Enable Tunnelling

Opens a tunneling connection to the server selected in the Servers list.

Auto Detect Zend Server

Auto detects a Zend Server installed on the local machine.

Collapse All

Collapses the list of servers.

New Server...

Opens the PHP Server Creation dialog.


Menu Commands

The view's menu can be accessed through the view menu icon .






Import Server Preferences

Launches the import server preferences dialog

Export Server Preferences

Launches the export server preferences dialog


Launches the PHP Server Filters dialog which allows you to apply filters to the servers displayed in the Servers list.


The Servers View is displayed by default as part of the PHP Perspective. To manually open the view, go to Window | Show View | Other | Zend Servers | Servers.


Read Also

 PHP Debug Perspective