Remember to delete the PHP tags that are inserted by default when creating a new PHP file before pasting in the code.
Copy this code into your editor to test the Profiler:
class Person {
// class and instance-object attributes
private $id ;
private $firstName ;
private $lastName ;
private $age ;
private $gender ;
private static $personId = 1 ;
public static $personCount = 0 ;
// constractor
function __construct ( $newFirstName , $newLastName , $newAge , $newGender ) {
$this->id = Person::$personId ;
$this->setFirstName ( $newFirstName ) ;
$this->setLastName ( $newLastName ) ;
$this->setAge ( $newAge ) ;
$this->setGender ( $newGender ) ;
Person::$personId ++ ;
Person::$personCount ++ ;
// class methods
function getId () {
return $this->id ;
function setFirstName ( $newFirstName ) {
if (strlen ( $newFirstName ) > 0)
$this->firstName = $newFirstName ;
$this->firstName = "First name must be longer then zero !!!" ;
function getFirstName () {
return $this->firstName ;
function setLastName ( $newLastName ) {
if (strlen ( $newLastName ) > 0)
$this->lastName = $newLastName ;
$this->lastName = "Last name must be longer then zero !!!" ;
function getLastName () {
return $this->lastName ;
function setAge ( $newAge ) {
if ($newAge > 1)
$this->age = $newAge ;
$this->age = "Age must be greater then 1 year" ;
function getAge () {
return $this->age ;
function setGender ( $newGender ) {
if ($newGender == "male" || $newGender == "female")
$this->gender = $newGender ;
$this->gender = "Gender must be male or female" ;
function getGender () {
return $this->gender ;
function printData () {
echo ("<hr><b>Id:</b>" . $this->getId() . "<br><b> First Name:</b>" . $this->getFirstName() . "<br><b> Last Name:</b>" . $this->getLastName() . "<br><b> Age:</b>" . $this->getAge() . "<br><b> Gender:</b>" . $this->getGender()) ;
} // end class
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