Accessing an Existing Git Repository

This procedure shows you how to access projects in Zend Studio that you have previously cloned from Git. This means you do not have to check out resources again to a new location in order to have access to Zend Studio's functionality.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To access previously cloned projects:

  1. Go to File | New | PHP Project from Git..
    In the PHP Explorer View, right-click and select New | PHP Project from Git.
    The New PHP Project Wizard opens with the Git Repository dialog displayed.

  1. Enter the following information:

  • Project Name: Enter the name of your Git repository.

  • URI: Enter the complete URI of the repository or the path on the file system (For example: file://c:\my\git\repository).
    The following protocols are supported:

    • file - File system access to the repository.

    • ftp - File Transfer Protocol.

    • git - The most efficient built-in git protocol (default port 9418). This protocol does not provide authentication. Typically used for anonymous read access to the repository.

    • http - Hypertext Transfer Protocol can be tunneled through firewalls.

    • https - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure can be tunneled through firewalls.

    • sftp - SSH File Transfer Protocol.

    • ssh - Git over secure shell (SSH) protocol. Typically used for authenticated write access to the repository.

  1. Click Finish.
    The existing repository is accessed and appears in the PHP Explorer.


Read Also

  Working with Git and Github    
  Customizing Git Integration