Working with the Ajax Request Monitor View

The Request Monitor view allows you to analyze the requests that occur on the open browser in the Internal Web Browser. The request is separated into different components (request, waiting, and response), and allows you to see the exact time each component is active, in seconds. This feature is especially useful in investigating what elements in a page are taking a long time to load, and how long. The view shows the URL and its correlated request analysis, as well as any messages associated with the request. You can also see the URL and component of the request by hovering over the analysis.

Showing the Response/Request Monitor View

This procedure describes how to show the request/response Content panel. This panel provides additional information to the Request Monitor view. For more information see Response/Request Panel.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To show the request/response content panel:

  1. Go to Window | Open Perspective | Web Browser Tools.

  2. Open the Request Monitor view.

  3. Click Open a URL in the Mozilla Browser from the main toolbar.
    The “Open URL…” dialog opens.

  4. Enter a URL in the “Enter  URL…” text field and press Enter.
    The URL opens in the Internal Web Browser and the response/request details open in the Request Monitor view.

Ajax Request Monitor View

  1. Click Hide or Show Request/Response Content Panel.
    The request/response panel opens.

Request/Response Content Panel

To close the request/response panel click Hide the Requese/Response Content Panel again.


The Response/Request Content Panel in Request Monitor View

The request/response content panel adds the following information to the view:

The request/response panel adds a window to the top and to the bottom of the view. The top window is the same information as the original view but in columns.

The columns in the request/response content panel are:

The bottom window separates the request and response into two tables. If you select a URL in the middle window you can see the details of the request and response separately. The details are separate into Headers and Body.

Request Monitor View Rules

In the analysis of a request you may see the Warning/Error Icon icon. If you hover over the icon you will see the type of rule it is expressing.

The types of rules are:



Avoid Redirects

Detects a response with a 301 or 302 status. If the browser has to follow any redirects before entering the main page, it cannot do anything else simultaneously. The extreme case is a "redirect chain", where one URL redirects to another redirect. The example below illustrates a "redirect chain and the extra cost of it": -> ->

(2 requests and 0,4sec, 2kB total transfer in/out).

Combine External CSS, Images, or JavaScript

Detects more than one download of a CSS, Image or JavaScript file. Many small resources of the same type may take longer to load than a single bigger resource. Browsers try to minimize the time required to load many resources by parallelizing downloads as much as possible. Parallel downloads do save time, however they don't save bandwidth. Assuming that a typical small resource is 1kb big and a typical GET request/response headers size is 1kb, a download of 10 small resources costs 10*(resourceSize+headersSize) = 10*(1+1) = 20kb of bandwidth. If all resources were replaced into a single header, it would instead cost 11kb. This saves 45% of bandwidth.

Merging multiple images into a single sprite could result in even smaller images because of how images are represented internally. For example, if all images use similar colors, they would use a single shared palette instead of many separate palettes.

CSS Expression or Filter Use

Check if "expression(...)" or "filter: alpha(...)" is used. They slowdown rendering because an expression has to be evaluated at all times (on scroll, re-size, and load). The Alpha filter is just slow, according to YSlow.

Unefficient CSS Selector

Check if any used selector uses global qualifier ("*"). Universal selectors take more time to apply because they have to be applied to all "document" DOM elements. Based on

Unused CSS Rule

Walks over DOM "document"  to find the CSS rules referenced in DOM nodes (via Mozilla API). Next parses all loaded CSS files to find all loaded rules. List rules that were loaded but never used. For a large web site it's easy to lose control of CSS and keep constantly adding styles, without removing them to not break something. This rule would help maintain minimal CSS rules.

Unused CSS File

Check if any of the rules defined in the CSS file are referred to in the HTML document.

Gzip Contents

Check if the response uses Content-Encoding: gzip header. gZip compression saves bandwidth.

Leverage Browser Caching

Check if the response contains an "Expires" or "Cache-Control" header. Caching significantly reduces the amount of necessary downloads.

Minimize Cookie Size

Check the length of a requests' "Cookie" header. The average request should be no bigger than 1500 bytes which allows it to fit into one packet. Too big of a cookie can easily break that number, causing the request take more packets. Google suggests to use cookies no longer than 1000 bytes and recommends up to 400 bytes. See

Minimize the Number of IFrames

Yahoo recommends reducing up to 5 IFrames per web page. There is no clear evidence on how more IFrames contribute to performance loss.

No 404s

Detects responses with a 404 status. When opening a web page it's not immediately visible if parts of it are missing due to a 404 response from the server.

Optimize CSS and JavaScript Order

Parses DOM "document" to find out if there are any LINK tags referring to CSS after SCRIPT tags referring to external JavaScript files. This is not a problem for modern browsers anymore because they are able to download both CSS and JavaScript resources at the same time. Still, when JavaScript is executed, any other actions is blocked because usually JavaScript execution occurs in the main browser thread.

Below is the link to a Google Page-Speed diagram that shows a hypothetical situation:

They are in the following order: CSS file, JavaScript file, JavaScript file, CSS file. Requests are handled by a servlet that by default delays the response for about 1sec in order to simulate the network load.

Parallelize Downloads Across Domains

Checks if the requests are more or less  equally split to all domains (using a user-defined threshold factor). Reports the problem for every domain that responds to significantly more requests than others. Using more domains helps browsers more effectively parallelize downloads because usually browsers have hard-set limits of maximum parallel downloads per hostname. HTTP 1.1 recommends up to 2 parallel connections. Popular browsers use up to 6.

Reduce DNS Lookups

Check if the number of unique hostnames is less or equal to 5. Using too many hostnames can cause times needed for resolving a hostname's IP addresses to be too long. Google recommends up to 5 domains.

Uncompacted Resource

Detect any extra whitespaces, comments, or otherwise redundant information, that could be removed to make the resource smaller and therefore faster to download. This rule analyzes JavaScript, CSS and HTML files.

Use GET for Ajax Calls

Detects the XML/HTTP requests that use a request method other than "GET". According to Yahoo, many browsers need 2 packets for POST requests, compared to 1 when using GET. See

Request Monitor View Icons

The Request Monitor View includes the following icons:

Show CSS Only

Show only CSS analysis.

Show JavaScript Only

Show only JavaScript analysis.

Show Images Only

Show only image analysis.


Show only HTML/HXML/XML analysis.

Show XHR Only

Show only XHR analysis.

Show HTTP Only

Show only HTTP analysis.

Lock/Unlock the Scroll of the Content Page

Lock/Unlock the scroll of the content page.

Clear the Call List

Clear the call list.

Hide the Request/Response Content Panel

Hide the request/response content panel.


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