To open a project in Zend Guard:
In PHP Explorer
view, right-click the required project and select Encode
Project -or- select the required project and from the
Menu Bar go to Project |
Encode Project -or- click the Encode Project button
on the toolbar. If you have not configured your Zend Guard location in Zend Studio , a prompt
will appear stating that Zend Guard preferences have not been
defined. Click on the 'Define Zend Guard.exe' link to be taken
to the Zend Guard preferences page or go to Window
| Preferences | PHP | Zend Guard. If you have defined your Zend Guard location, Zend Guard will
now be opened and a Zend Guard Project dialog will open.
Guard Project creation dialog
Enter the following
information in the relevant fields:
Project Name - This will automatically be
taken from the name of your Zend Studio
project. This cannot be the same name as an existing project in Guard.
Project contents - The directory into which
the project will be placed. Unmark to browse to a different
Product Name - Enter the product's name.
Product Version - Enter the product's version.
Output Location - Enter the location to which
you would like the encoded files to be created.
Click Next.
If you
want additional files and folders to be added to the project,
click Add Folder or
Add File and browse
to the required source.
The PHP version
Whether to enable Short Tag Support - Enable
recognition of short PHP tags. Recognizes <? as a valid
PHP start tag. When this option is not selected, Zend Guard
will not encode short tags, which will be treated as regular
Whether to enable ASP Tag Support - Enables
recognition of ASP tags. Recognizes <% as a valid PHP start
tag. When not selected, code within ASP tags is treated as
regular HTML.
Resolve Symlinks - Resolves Symbolic Links
before encoding (not applicable in Windows). A symbolic link
(often shortened to symlink and also known as a soft link)
consists of a special type of file that serves as a reference
to another file or directory. Unix-like operating systems
in particular often feature symbolic links.
Which files to encode - Lists the file extensions
for Guard to encode (extensions not listed will not be encoded).
File extensions that are not listed here and in "Patterns
to Ignore" will be sent as-is to the output folder.
Which patterns to ignore - Files matching
these patterns will not be encoded when encoding a directory,
nor will they be copied as-is to the target directory. By
default, the list contains the CVS directory and cvsignore
files (includes Wildcards '*').