To generate getters and setters:
In a PHP file,
place your cursor within the class for which you would like
to generate the getters and setters.
Right-click within
the class's source code and select Source
| Generate Getters and Setters -Or- from the Menu Bar
go to Source | Generate Getters
and Setters -Or- Right-click the required class in PHP Explorer view and
select Source | Generate
Getters and Setters
The 'Generate
Getters and Setters' dialog will open, displaying all variables
that might require a getter/setter.
getters and Setters dialog
Which variables getter and setter functions should be
created for. Expand the list under each function by clicking the + icon
in order to select to generate only a getter or a setter for
each variable. If your cursor was originally placed on a certain variable,
this will automatically be selected.
Insertion Point - Select the location in the class where
you want the entries to be added from the drop-down list. Options are:
First method - Getters and setters will be placed
as the first methods within the class.
Last method - Getters and setters will be placed
as the last methods within the class.
Cursor position - Getters and setters will be placed
at the cursor position (only available if cursor
was placed in a valid position).
After function ... - Getters and setters will be
placed after the selected function (depending on the functions
available within the class).
Sort by - Determine the order in which the entries are
entered. The options are:
First getters, then setters - All the getters will
be grouped together, followed by the setters.
Fields in getter/setter pairs - Pairs of getters
and setters relating to the same variable will be generated
Access modifier (Not available in PHP 4 projects) -
Selects whether the functions will be public, protected, private
or final.
Generate method comments - Select whether to generate
a PHP Docblock for each entry.
Click OK.