User Guide > Tasks > Managing Path Maps

Managing Path Maps

These procedures describe how to manage Path Map settings in Zend Studio. Using Path Mapping allows Zend Studio to search for files which are called from a certain location on the server in a local location during remote PHP Script debbuging/profiling and PHP Web Page debugging /profiling.

Adding a Server Location Path Map

This procedure describes how to add a Path Map to a server so that files which are called from a certain location on the server will be searched for in a local location during PHP Web Page debugging /profiling. This will only apply when the 'use local copy' option is selected in the Advanced tab of the PHP Web Page debugging configuration).

See Path Mapping for more details.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To add a server path map:

  1. In the menu-bar, select Window | Show View | PHP Servers.

    The PHP Servers view is displayed.

  1. Double-click the server you wish to edit, or click the Edit icon .
    The Edit Server dialog is displayed.
  2. Select the Path Mapping tab.

  1. To add a new path map, click Add.
    The Add New Path Map dialog is displayed.

  1. Enter the server path from which you would like to create the path map. Files called from this location will be searched for in the path specified below.
  2. Select either the 'Path in Workspace' or 'Path in File System' option, and click Browse to specify the location.
  3. Select the 'Do not map..' option to specify a server path you do not want mapped to a local resource.
  4. Click OK.
    The path map is added to the server. The next time a file is called from the path on server, it will be searched for in the local location you have specified.

You can now manage your Path Map settings by Editing or Removing your Path Map.


Path Mapping can also be set automatically during Debugging / Profiling . See the Path Mapping topic for more details.

Adding a New Path Map for Importing a Zend Server Event File

This procedure describes how to add a Path Map to a server while importing a Zend Server Event File so that files which are called from a certain location on the server will be searched for in a local location during remote PHP Script debugging/profiling and PHP Web Page debugging/profiling. This will only apply when the 'use local copy' option is selected in the Advanced tab of the PHP Web Page debugging configuration).



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To add a new Path Map in the Importing a Zend Server Event File wizard:

  1. Open the Import Wizard go to File | Import | Zend Server | Zend Server Event File.

Import Wizard

    1.  Click Next.
      The "Import Zend Server Event File" dialog opens.

    1. In the "From File" text field, browse to the location of your Zend Server Event File and click Next.
      The "Server path mapping settings" dialog opens.

Server Path Mapping Settings Dialog

    1.  Select the server to associate with from the "Associate this trace with server" drop down menu.

    2. Click Add.

    3. An Add a New Path Map dialog appears.

    1. Enter the Server Path from which you would like to create the Path Map. Files called from this location will be searched for in the path specified below.

    2. Select either the Path in Workspace or Path in File System option and click Browse to specify the location.

    3. Click OK to add your path map to your server list and return to the Server Path Map Settings dialog.
      The next time a file is called from the Path on Server, it will be searched for in the local location you have specified.

You can now manage your Path Map settings by Editing or Removing your Path Map.

See Importing a Zend Server Event File for information on how to continue importing a Zend Server Event File once your Path Map settings are configured.

Editing or Removing Your Path Map

This procedure describes how to edit or remove your Path Map. Editing your Path Map allows you to change the location on the server that will be searched for in a local location (or to change the local location that will be searched) during remote PHP Script debbuging/profiling and PHP Web Page debugging /profiling.

Before editing or removing a Path Map you must first Add a Server Location Path Map or Add a New Path Map while Importing a Zend Server Event File.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To edit your Path Map select the Path Map you would like to edit, click Edit and change the relevant information.

To remove your Path Map select the Path Map you would like to delete and click Remove.



Read Also

  Path Mapping    
  PHP Servers Preferences