Deploying with Zend Application Deployment Support

When creating a new PHP project in Zend Studio, you can elect to launch your application with Zend Deployment Support.

To do this, in the New PHP Project wizard Application Deployment dialog, select  Zend Application Deployment.
For more information on creating new projects in Zend Studio, see Creating New Projects.


You can either select an existing target or add a new target by clicking one of the three icons in the Create a New Target dialog.


Adding a Target



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To launch your application on a Zend Server:

  1. In the Create a New Target field, click  the Zend Server icon
    The Add Target dialog is displayed.

  1. Enter the following information:

  • Host: Enter the URL of the host server.

  • Key Name: Enter the name of your authentication key.

  • Key Secret: Enter your authentication key.

  1. Click Test Connection | Finish.
    The Application Deployment dialog is displayed again with the new target selected in the Select an existing target field.

You can now carry on with the launching process by clicking Next to add libraries to the project or Finish to create the new project.


Zend Developer Cloud



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To launch your application on the Zend Developer Cloud:

  1. In the Create a New Target field, click the PhpCloud icon.
    The Add Target dialog is displayed.

  1. Enter the following information:

  • Username:Your Zend Developer Cloud account username.
  • Password:Your Zend Developer Cloud account password.
  • SSH Private Key: The private key for the project container. You can either browse to an existing key or generate a new one.
  1. Click Test Connection | Finish.
    The Application Deployment dialog is displayed again with the new target selected in the Select an existing target field.

You can now carry on with the launching process by clicking Next to add libraries to the project or Finish to create the new project.

Detect Local




Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To detect a local Zend target::

  1. In the Create a New Target field, click the Detect Local icon
    The Add Target dialog is displayed.

  1. Click Test Connection | Finish.
    The Application Deployment dialog is displayed again with the new target selected in the Select an existing target field.

You can now carry on with the launching process by clicking Next to add libraries to the project or Finish to create the new project.




Related Links

Related Links:

Creating New Projects

Deploying an Application
Launching an Application 



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