Zend is pleased to announce the release of Zend Studio 10.5! You can download this release from: http://www.zend.com/en/products/studio In this release: ---------------- * New Zend Studio 10.5 can analyse and validate your php project up to twice as fast as previous releases with improved responsiveness. Get real-time error detection and intuitive content assist instantly while you code. * Dependency management is now made easy with new Composer integration. Declare your dependencies within a configuration file, and then run a single command to immediately pull them into your project. Zend Studio 10.5 enables easy browsing, adding, modifying, removing and updating your project dependencies as well as repository management. Composer integration is now a default feature of Zend Studio and installation via Welcome page is no longer required. * Build reliable and bug free PHP projects thanks to improved integration with PHPUnit library including upgraded library version and improved workflows. * Create comprehensive code documentation effortlessly using PHPDocumentor 2. In addition to php doc blocks generation, transparent installation and easy execution of PHPDocumentor directly from IDE now you can define, select and switch between different configuration profiles. * Zend Studio 10.5 ships with improved integration and upgraded version of Apache Cordova (platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript) that enables generation of native client-side apps for multiple platforms, easy testing and maintenance of your mobile project. In addition to better performance new lightweight version of Apache Cordova provides support for native Windows Phone 8 apps. * New version of mobile drag & drop editor provides new components, better experience for working with html files and makes user interface prototyping more fun. * Git integration is improved and now by default included in Zend Studio. No need to install additional plugins from Welcome page. System Requirements: -------------------- * Supported Operating Systems: - Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 - Linux x86, Linux x86-64 - OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, OS X 10.9 Mavericks * 1.5GHz processor * 2GB RAMs * 1GB of hard disk space * Linux, MacOS: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6 or higher Mobile development requirements: --------------------------------------- * Java Development Kit should be added to system path to enable generation of native Android mobile apps. We recommend Oracle (Sun) JDK 1.6 or higher (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads). Please ensure you have: a. JAVA_HOME environment variable set (i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_45) b. %JAVA_HOME%\bin is added to system path (http://www.java.com/en/download/help/path.xml). * Safari browser is recommended on Windows for new mobile drag & drop editor. You can install it from http://support.apple.com/kb/dl1531. Updating from Zend Studio 10.x ------------------------------ * Since Zend Studio 10.5 release we provide Mac OS X 64-bit packages only. This means there will be no updates available for 32-bit Zend Studio on Mac OS X. A new installation of 64-bit Zend Studio is required. Existing workspaces can be used with new 64-bit installation. * This version is backward compatible with all 10.x versions. To update add two new update sites in Help -> Install New Software -> Available Update Sites: http://downloads.zend.com/studio-eclipse/updates/10_5 http://downloads.zend.com/studio-eclipse/updates-extra/10_5 and select Help -> Check for updates. Migrating to Zend Studio 10.5: ------------------------------ * Zend Studio 10.5 starts with a new default workspace: /Zend/workspaces/DefaultWorkspace10. Known Issues: ------------- * Zend Studio menus don't show or appear only partially in the menu bar of the new Ubuntu 13.10. The issue is caused by Ubuntu's bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/1208019 Workaround: Run Zend Studio with this single line from the terminal: env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY= ./ZendStudio (mind the space after =) * To display class inheritance charts in the documentation generated by PHPDocumentor installation of Graphviz is required. Due to compatibility issues, please install Graphviz version 2.30.1 on Mountain Lion Graphviz version 2.28.0 on Windows and other Mac OS X distributions from http://www.graphviz.org/pub/graphviz/stable/. * Running mobile project as Web Mobile application (or using 'Preview Mode' of mobile drag & drop editor) on Windows requires Internet Explorer 'Access data sources across domains' option enabled: Internet Explorer -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Security tab -> Security level -> Custom level -> Miscellaneous -> Access data sources across domains -> Enable -> OK -> Apply * Due to Zend's contribution of PHP Code Formatter to opensource Eclipse PDT project the namespace of custom formatter preferences has changed and settings exported from/created with Zend Studio 10.0.1 will not work out of the box in Zend Studio >= 10.1.0. Workaround: Export Formatter Profile using Studio 10.0.1 and replace all occurrences of "com.zend" by "org.eclipse" in the exported XML file before importing it into Zend Studio 10.1.0. * Detecting local Zend Server ('Add New Target' -> 'Detect Local') doesn't work on Windows 8. Workaround: Add your local Zend Server via 'Add New Target' -> 'Zend Server' using API key. * Cloud Connected Mobile project on IBM i: Due to a limitation in the rewrite module of the IBM i Apache, rewrite rules that enables pretty URLs will not work out of the box. For example, instead of using http://server.address/appname/getCustomers one would have to use http://server.address/appname/index.php/getCustomers. Workaround: Manually enable pretty URLs by adding a RewriteBase statement to the .htaccess file, right below RewriteEngine On: For example for the case above: RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /appname * Cloud Connected Mobile project works out-of-the box only when deployed to Apache server (.htaccess based configuration). Running Cloud Connected Mobile project on IIS Server requires URL Rewrite module with imported rules from .htaccess file. * The default Apache 'Server API CGI/FastCGI' mode on Windows does not forward the 'Authorization' request header; this will cause the Zend Server Gateway Authentication step to fail. Workaround: Uncomment the following two lines in the public/.htaccess file of Cloud Connected Mobile project: RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*) RewriteRule .* - [e=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1] * Using Android Development Toolkit (ADT) on Linux x86-64 requires installation of additional libraries : Ubuntu: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ia32-libs sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6 Fedora: sudo yum install redhat-lsb.i686 * Several issues reported when installing Zend Toolbar on Linux Ubuntu and Fedora with Mozilla Firefox browser. As a workaround, download and install the browser extension from: http://www.zend.com/en/products/studio/downloads Support and Feedback: --------------------- * Support for Zend Studio 10.5 and evaluation support is provided via http://www.zend.com/support-center and the Zend forums at http://forums.zend.com. You can also send your feedback to studio10feedback@zend.com. Thank you for using Zend Studio! -------------------------------- Zend Technologies, Inc. www.zend.com Copyright 2013 Zend Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved