Zend Server User Guide > What's New?

What's New in Zend Server

This section introduces new features and components available in Zend Server for IBMi.

Zend Server 8.0

Z-Ray Support for Applications and Frameworks

Out of the box Z-Ray support for popular PHP apps and frameworks:

For a full list of the added panels, see App/Framework-Specific Data.

Z-Ray Live!

New UI tab for displaying, in real-time, all requests made to the Web server, including non-browser based requests, such as APIs, Web services, and mobile requests.

Z-Ray Enhancements

Z-Ray Extensibility

You can now extend Z-Ray with information for your application or framework. The gathered information will be seamlessly presented in as an integral part of Z-Ray - including the browser bar, Z-Ray Live! and URL Insight.

For more information, see Extensibility.

URL Insight

Zend Server now collects and presents information on some of the most interesting URLs on your Web server, giving you strong insight on critical URLs, such as the slowest, poorest performing, and most popular URLs.

Zend Server also periodically saves full Z-Ray snapshots for these URLs, providing you with unprecedented insight into what real-world requests look like, coming from real users.

New UI 

All the Zend Server pages, wizards, and icons have been changed into a more modern look, ultimately creating what we believe is a much better user experience.

Platform Support

Secured Job Queue

Zend Server now supports HTTPS calls.


Read Also

  Getting Started