Zend Server for IBMi Installation Guide > ZendDBi Installation

ZendDBi Installation

The following procedures describe how to install, verify, uninstall and upgrade ZendDBi.

Installing Zend DBi

This procedure describes how to install ZendDBi, if you skipped the ZendDBi installation option during the interactive installation, or used the silent installation.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To install ZendDBi:

  1. To begin the ZendDBi Installation, select Option 6 ‘ZendDBi Management menu ’ from the Zend Server 6 for IBM i Service menu (GO ZENDSVR6/ZSMENU):

 MySQL installation (optional)

Press ENTER to start ZendDBi installation or press F3 to skip

ZendDBi installation


   ZendDBi Installation Option

  1. Press Enter to start the ZendDBi installation, or F3 to skip ZendDBi installation.


You can install the ZendDBi database later using the Setup Tool.
To install ZendDBi following installation:

1. Open the Setup Tool by running the command go zendsvr/zcmenu in your i/OS emulator screen.
2. Select Option 6 - ZendDBi management menu.
3. You will be prompted to install the ZendDBi database.
: ZendDBi must be installed by QSECOFR.

  1. If ZendDBi or MySQL, are already installed in the directory /usr/local/MySQL, the following prompt will appear:

                       MySQL installation (optional)

MySql is already installed.


MySQL already installed

  1. Press F3 to finish the installation.

  2. If ZendDBi has not been previously installed, it will be installed now:

                       MySQL installation (optional)

ZendDBi is being installed and configured.

Please wait ...                         


ZendDBi Installation

  1. A dialog will appear reminding you to set a password for the MySQL root user:


To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands:

./bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'

./bin/mysqladmin -u root -h <Your_Machine> password 'new-password'         

See the manual for more instructions.                                        

You can start the MySQL daemon with:                                         

cd . ; ./bin/mysqld_safe &                                                                                                                                 

You can test the MySQL daemon with mysql-test-run.pl                         

cd mysql-test ; perl mysql-test-run.pl                                                                                                                    

Please report any problems with the ./bin/mysqlbug script!                   

The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at                


Support MySQL by buying support/licenses at http://shop.mysql.com            

Press ENTER to end terminal session.                                         

MySQL Instructions


In addition to the instructions in the dialog, the MySQL Daemon can later be stopped/started through the Setup Tool.
To start/stop your MySQL Deamon (after the MySQL installation):
1. Open the Setup Tool by running the following command: go zendsvr6/zsmenu
Select Option 6 - ZendDBi Management Menu.
In the following screen, select Option 4 - Start ZendDBi daemon or Option 5 - Stop ZendDBi daemon.

  1. Press Enter to continue.
    A confirmation message will appear stating the location of your MySQL installation.

                       MySQL installation (optional)

MySQL is installed in directory /usr/local/MySql

and library ZMYSQL                                                                      


MySQL Installation Confirmation

  1. Press F3 to finish and exit the installation process.

Verifying the Installation

This procedure describes how to use QSH shell to verify the ZendDBi installation.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To verify the installation:

  1. Start PASE shell by typing:


  1. Change to MySQL directory:


  1. Type the following command:

mysql -u root

Uninstalling MySQL

This procedure describes how to uninstall MySQL.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To uninstall MySQL:

  1. Stop the ZMYSQL subsystem.
  2. Delete ZMYSQL library.
  3. Remove the directory /usr/local/mysql-5.0.59-i5os-power-64bit
  4. Remove the directory /usr/local/mysqldata
  5. Remove the link /usr/local/mysql
  6. Remove /etc/my.cnf

Upgrading MySQL 

This procedure describes how to upgrade from MySQL 5.0 to 5.1.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To upgrade MySQL:

  1. Stop MySQL daemon from MySQL menu.
  2. Enter the following commands:



                       MySQL Upgrade

Press ENTER to start upgrade to ZendDBi or press F3 to cancel                                                                  


ZendDBi Upgrade Options

  1. In the MySQL Upgrade confirmation dialog, press Enter to continue.
    The ZendDBi Upgrade Information dialog displays.

                       Upgrade MySQL (UPGMYSQL)


Type choices, press Enter.


INSTALLATION DIRECTORY...........> '/usr/local' Character value

DATA DIRECTORY..........................> '/usr/local/mysqldata'

OWNING USER PROFILE................> 'MYSQL' Character value

ROOT MYSQL PROFILE...................> 'root'

ROOT MYSQL PASSWORD..............>_

CURRENT INSTALLATION PATH......> '/usr/local/mysql'


Zend DBi Upgrade Information

  1. Enter your old MySQL root password, and press Enter.
    A confirmation dialog is displayed stating that the upgrade to ZendDBi was completed successfully.
  2. Press Enter to finish and exit the upgrade process.

Read Also

  Installing Zend Server for IBM i