Installing Zend Server for IBM i

Zend Server for IBM i is the first LTS distribution providing 64-bit PHP binaries on this platform.

Beginning with version 2020.0, Zend Server for IBM i is distributed and installed via RPM (Redhat Package Manager), in keeping with IBM’s move toward the RPM distribution model for open source languages and other tools.

yum is the RPM installer used to install, maintain, and remove the Zend Server package. Because it is no longer delivered as an IBM i Licensed Program via RSTLICPGM, it is not updated using PTF (LODPTF/APYPTF) commands. It does not appear in the installed Licensed Program displays.

There is no direct upgrade path to the latest Zend Server from a version prior to Zend Server 2020.0. Instead, you are able to run Zend Server 2021 in parallel with both Zend Server 2019 and Zend Server 8.5, which facilitates an orderly migration.

While the software is installed via yum, there remains an IBM i library and subsystem, and 5250 menus. The library name is ZENDPHP74, and the IFS objects reside in the /usr/local/zendphp74 and /www/local/zendphp74 file structures.

Installation topics for IBM i: