Installing Zend Server on Windows

This section describes the procedure for installing Zend Server on Windows.

To install and run Zend Server on Windows, you need the following:

  • An account that has administrator rights, or run the installation as Administrator.
  • Enough space on the hard drive to unpack and install (generally a minimum of 200 megabytes is recommended.)


After installing Zend Server 2018.0, you will automatically be using a 30-day Enterprise edition trial license. To continue working with Zend Server after this time period, contact Zend for a new license. For more information on Zend Serve editions, see Zend Server Editions.

IIS Note:

The default installation of IIS does not have the URL rewrite capabilities. While Zend Server itself does not require such capabilities, you may want to take advantage of it in the applications that you run in Zend Server (for example, when using Zend Framework based applications that use the default MVC components). In this case, refer to this topic.

Installing Zend Server with the Windows Installer

The following procedure describes how to install Zend Server on Windows using a binary distribution.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To install Zend Server:

1. Download Zend Server for Windows from
After completing the download, double-click on the .exe file to start the installation process. If you are logged as a regular user without Administrator privileges, right-click the installation file and select "Run as Administrator", following by providing the Administrator account password. The Zend Server Installer Welcome page is displayed.
Click Next.

2. After completing the download, double-click on the .exe file to start the installation process. If you are logged as a regular user without Administrator privileges, right-click the installation file and select "Run as Administrator", following by providing the Administrator account password. The Zend Server Installer Welcome page is displayed.
Click Next.

3. The Zend Server License Agreement is displayed.
Read the specified terms, select I accept the terms in the license agreement, and click Next.

4. The Setup Type page is displayed.
The Custom installation type gives you complete control over which packages you wish to install and the installation path that is used. The components are Zend JAVA Bridge, Oracle OCI Driver, MySQL Community Server and Microsoft SQL NAtive Client as separate downloads - for the additional downloads you must be connected to the Internet and have access to You can still install without the separate packages, however you will get an "abort error" on the downloaded parts. On our example we only selected MySQL Server, which can also be downloaded and installed separately if you like, from
Select your setup components, then click Next.

5. The Web Server page is displayed.
Select a Web server on which to install the PHP and the Installation Location. In this example, we install Zend Server with Apache 2.4, which is included in the installation package, in the default folder location.
Click Next.

6. The Apache Port Number page is displayed. If you selected IIS in the previous page, skip to step 7.
Configure the ports your Web server will listen to. Click Check Ports to verify the ports are not occupied.
Click Next.

7. The Installation Settings page is displayed.
Review the features to be installed, and click Install.
Zend Server will now be installed in your system...

8. At the end of the installation an Installation Complete page is displayed.
You can select "Start working with Zend Server" to immediately open the default browser with Zend Server Launch screen.
You can also place a shortcut on your Desktop if you check "Create shortcut on your Desktop".
Once done, click Finish

9. Zend Server will launch in your browser.
For information on the launching process, see Launching Zend Server.

Launching (initializing) Zend Server:

To launch and start using Zend Server, open your browser at: https://<Server_IP>:10082/ZendServer (secure), or http://<Server_IP>:10081/ZendServer.