Installing Zend Server for IBM i - Silent Mode

The following procedure describes how to install Zend Server in Silent Mode (i.e. - complete installation without an installation interface).


If you did not go over the "Installation on IBM i - Overview and Requirements" page yet, please do so before proceeding on this page.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To run a silent installation:

  1. Download the installation package.

  2. Create a SAVF in QGPL under the name ZENDPHP7.
  3. Log on to the IBM i system with a user profile of *SECOFR user class with all special authorities.

  4. Create a SAVF in QGPL under the name ZENDPHP7. This can be done by running the following command:

CRTSAVF FILE(QGPL/ZENDPHP7) TEXT(Zend Server 9.1 product save file)

  1. Transfer the package by FTP (Binary Mode) to the SAVF ZENDPHP7 in QGPL. This can be done by executing the following steps:

    1. Verify that FTP is running on your IBM i system by running the following command and looking for 'FTP' or '21' in the Local Port column:


    1. Open a command prompt and change directory to the directory which contains the files you extracted from the ZIP file.
    2. Run the FTP command, specifying the name of your IBM i system, e.g.:

    ftp IBM i_system_name/TCP address

    1. If requested, enter a valid user profile and password.
    2. Enter the bin command to specify a binary transfer.
    3. Transfer the save file to the IBM i system by running the following command:

    put zendphp7.savf qgpl/zendphp7

  1. When the SAVF is loaded into the IBM i QGPL library, return to your 5250 session and run the following command:


Zend Server for IBM i will be automatically installed without interactive dialogs being displayed.


The silent installation will not install the ZendDBi Database. For instructions on installing the ZendDBi, see Zend DBi overview.

Zend Server for IBM i supports parallel installations of Zend Server 8.x and Zend Server 9.x/2018.x on the same machine. To migrate Zend Server 8.x configurations to your Zend Server 9.x/2018.x installation, contact the Zend Support team.