Enabling SSL for Apache
The mod_ssl module allows you to enable SSL support on your Apache web server and is needed to enable Apache for SSL requests (HTTPS).
For more information on the mod_ssl module, see the mod_ssl user manual at http://www.modssl.org/docs/2.8.
Zend Server includes support for the ssl_module, but this needs to be loaded in order to activate it. To load the mod_ssl module, you need to provide an SSL certificate and key file (keypair). These files can be acquired from an official SSL certificate provider or be self-signed.

To enable SSL for Apache on Windows:
Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf This calls the SSL configuration file.
The mod_ssl module is loaded. |

To learn how to enable SSL on Linux, we recommend referring to the relevant distribution documentation: |
Refer to IBM's Digital Certificate Manager documentation for information on how to create an SSL certificate in IBM Apache at:http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v7r1m0/topic/rzahu/rzahu.pdf.
Once the SSL certificate is created, add the following lines to the Zend Server Apache configuration file (located in '/www/zendsvr/conf/httpd/conf'):
SSL start
Listen *:443
SSLEngine On
SSLAppName <SSL Application created by the SSL wizard>
## SSL end
Your next step is to create a new SSL-enabled virtual host. For information on working with virtual hosts in Zend Server, see Working with Virtual Hosts.
When adding a new SSL virtual host, make sure the port you are using is not already assigned.