ZendDBi Installation
The following procedures describe how to install, verify, uninstall and upgrade ZendDBi.
Installing Zend DBi
This procedure describes how to install ZendDBi, if you skipped the ZendDBi installation option during the interactive installation, or used the silent installation.
To install ZendDBi:
ZendDBi Installation Option
Note: You can install the ZendDBi
database later using the Setup Tool.
MySQL already installed
ZendDBi Installation
MySQL Instructions Note: In addition to the instructions in the dialog, the MySQL Daemon can
later be stopped/started through the Setup Tool.
MySQL Installation Confirmation
Verifying the Installation
This procedure describes how to use QSH shell to verify the ZendDBi installation.
To verify the installation:
mysql -u root |
Uninstalling MySQL
This procedure describes how to uninstall MySQL.
To uninstall MySQL:
Upgrading MySQL
This procedure describes how to upgrade from MySQL 5.0 to 5.1.
To upgrade MySQL:
ZendDBi Upgrade Options
Zend DBi Upgrade Information