The Monitor page is accessed from Server Setup | Monitor.
From this page, you can define the different settings for configuring the Zend Monitor component.
This component is used to capture PHP eventsAn event is a collection of runtime-related information collected by the Monitor component. This information is collected when an event is triggered, according to the conditions defined by the Monitoring Rules. when they happen and to alert developers and system administrators. This can be done by using the events predefined in the Administration Interface or by using the API.
The Monitor page is a settings definition page for the Monitor component that provides event-based PHP monitoring.
Settings for using the integration with Zend Studio, to debug, profile and view event source code.
Manual configuration settings should be based on the
IP and port configured in Zend Studio's Installed
Debuggers preferences page. The preferences page is accessed from
Window | Preferences | PHP | Debug |
Installed Debuggers. (Click 'Configure' to view and change the
The default port number is 20080.
Define the action settings for rules that use the action 'Send Mail'. The Send Mail action sends an email that includes the event details and a link back to the Zend Server User Interface to the address(es) listed in the event rule.
If you do not plan to send email notifications for
events, you do not need to configure these settings.
If you disable the email sending setting (in Rule Management | Monitoring by selecting the rule and changing the status), when the setting is reactivated all the email addresses will be lost and the email setting will be set to the default email address.
Define which events will be deleted in Zend Server's cleanup process, which is run every 24 hours to delete old events.
Any event that meets either of the below options will be deleted during the cleanup process.
Activation options for running a code trace.
Active - Code tracing
is available for events.
Zend Code Tracing will collect trace information in Events that are
defined for collecting trace information
Inactive - Code tracing
is not available for events.
Zend Code Tracing is running but no new trace data will be collected
even when a new event is triggered. The Manual Trace URL option (Monitor
| Code Tracing) will remain active.
Standby - Tracing is
not available for events, but an event can temporarily activate tracing.
The Zend Code Tracing will run in sleep mode and when an event defined
to collect trace info is triggered, Code tracing will be active for
a set period of time (as defined in the Monitor Rule).
Related Links: Studio's Installed Debuggers - External link |