Zend Server User Guide > Tasks > Working with Extensions and Directives > UNIX: Compiling PHP Extensions

UNIX: Compiling PHP Extensions

This procedure describes how to compile a PHP extension. Zend Server includes over 77 extensions however there still may be a PHP extension that you want to compile by yourself.


Install the following packages:

Users of distributions with package managers (mainly Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS ) should install the following packages from their distribution's repository: gcc, make, autoconf, automake and libtool. Some of these tools depend on each other, for instance the libtool package depends on the gcc package, but no damage can be done from specifying all of them.


Users who utilize distributions that do not have package managers (Linux from scratch anyone?), can compile these tools themselves or obtain pre-compiled binaries for them quite easily.

Additionally, you can compile a PHP extension from the main PHP source (as opposed to PECL). This requires installing a package from the Zend Server repository called php-5.3-source-Zend Server or php-5.4-source-Zend Server depending on your Zend Server's major PHP version. This package includes full PHP sources as patched, for security or optimization concerns, by the Zend development team. This ensures that you are using the exact same source code we used when building Zend Server.


Read Also

  Working with Extensions and Directives    
  PHP Extension List