Zend Server User Guide > Concepts > FastCGI > Configure PASE FastCGI Support for PHP Processing

Configure PASE FastCGI Support for PHP Processing

The following two files are used to configure PASE FastCGI support for PHP processing on IBM HTTP Server on i:

  1. IBM HTTP Server (powered by Apache) instance configuration file (httpd.conf)
  2. A FastCGI configuration file (fastcgi.conf)

Both configuration files need to exist in the same configuration directory as your IBM HTTP Server instance configuration file.

For example:



Edit your IBM HTTP Server Instance Configuration File

To edit your IBM HTTP Server instance configuration file using the IBM Web Administration of i GUI using the following steps:

  1. Bring up the IBM Web Administration for i GUI on port 2001 using a web browser.
  2. Sign in using a valid IBM i profile and password.
  3. Click the Manage tab.
  4. Click the HTTP Servers sub-tab.
  5. Select your IBM HTTP Server instance from the Server drop down list.
  6. Expand Tools.
  7. Click Edit Configuration File
  8. Add the following PASE FastCGI program (module):
    LoadModule zend_enabler_module /QSYS.LIB/QHTTPSVR.LIB/QZFAST.SRVPGM
  9. Associate the .php file extension with the application/x-httpd-php MIME type AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
  10. Specify the fastcgi-script handler for PHP
    AddHandler fastcgi-script .php (for all files within the directive scope with a .php extension)
    SetHandler fastcgi-script(for all files within the directive scope)
  11. Click Apply.
  12. Click OK.

Create the FastCGI Configuration

To create the FastCGI configuration file using an editor of your choosing. Here is how to create it using Qshell:

For example:

QSYS/QSH CMD('/usr/bin/touch -C 819 /www/myserver/conf/fastcgi.conf')


The fastcgi.conf file needs to be in CCSID 819 (ASCII).

Edit the FastCGI Configuration File

To edit the FastCGI configuration file so it contains only two lines as follows:

Line 1:

Server type="application/x-httpd-php" CommandLine="/usr/local/zendsvr6/bin/php-cgi.bin" StartProcesses="1" SetEnv="LIBPATH=/usr/local/zendsvr6/lib" SetEnv="PHPRC=/usr/local/zendsvr6/etc/" SetEnv="PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=5" SetEnv="PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS=0" ConnectionTimeout="30" RequestTimeout="60" SetEnv="CCSID=819" SetEnv="LANG=C" SetEnv="INSTALLATION_UID=100313092601" setEnv=="LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x40000000"

SetEnv=="ZEND_TMPDIR=/usr/local/zendsvr6/tmp SetEnv="TZ=<EST>-5"


This must all be on a single line within file fastcgi.conf. You may have multiple servers, one per line

Line 1: Parameter Information

Parameter Name


 Recommended Value

Server type

Needs to match the MIME type specified on directive AddType in file httpd.conf.



PASE FastCGI program name



Monitor/Start PASE FastCGI worker jobsJobs contain information about a specific Job (script to run) that you have set to run in your environment.



Sets an environment variable



Number of FastCGI worker jobs



Number request before worker job recycles

0 never recycle or a large number to avoid job start/stop


SetEnv Lang/CCSID

Control FastCGI Lang/CCSID

Specify both or none. These settings will override the FastCGI Language default line.


FastCGI language




 819 (or 1208)


Number of seconds before web server receives timeout



Number of seconds before running PHP script receives timeout


For additional language codes see National Language Support.


Line 2:

IpcDir /www/<server instance>/logs

where <server instance> is your server instance name


This IpcDir line must all be on a single line within file fastcgi.conf.

Line 2: Parameter Information

Parameter Name


 Recommended Value


Is used to create the FastCGI sockets file. Note the specified directory must be file read/write capable by the Web server.



Line 3 (optional):

Language LANG=en_US CCSID=819


This must all be on a single line within file fastcgi.conf.

Line 3: Parameter Information

Parameter Name


 Recommended Value


Default language and CCSID for all servers



FastCGI default language



FastCGI default CCSID

 819 or 1208

For additional language codes see National Language Support.

Restart Your IBM HTTP Server Instance

To restart your IBM HTTP Server instance using either start/stop Apache option in Zend Server for IBMi Setup menu or PHP Restart button in the Zend Server for IBMi Administration interface.


It is possible to use IBM commands to restart your IBM HTTP Server instance using either the Zend Server Setup Menu ENDTCPSVR/STRTCPSVR commands, or the IBM Web Administration for IBM i.


Read Also

  Overview of FastCGI