Checks the Zend Optimizer+ configuration to verify that it is configured to load encoded files
Available since version 4.0
boolean zend_loader_enabled (void)
Returns TRUE if the Guard Loader is configured to load encoded files. Returns FALSE if the Guard Loader is not configured to load encoded files.
Returns TRUE if the current file was encoded with Zend Guard or FALSE otherwise. If FALSE, consider disabling the Guard Loader
Available since version 4.0
boolean zend_loader_file_encoded (void)
TRUE if Zend-encoded, FALSE otherwise
Compares the signature of the running file against the signatures of the license files that are loaded into the License Registry by the php.ini file. If a valid license file exists, the values of the license file are read into an array. If a valid license does not exist or is not specified in the php.ini, it is not entered in the PHP server's license registry. If a valid license that matches the product and signature cannot be found in the license directory, an array is not created. For information on the proper installation of a license file, as well as the php.ini directive, see the Zend Guard User Guide
Available since version 4.0
array zend_loader_file_licensed (void)
Returns an array or FALSE.<br> If an array is returned, a valid license for the product exists in the location indicated in the php.ini file.
Obtains the full path to the file that is currently running. In other words, the path of the file calling this API function is evaluated only at run time and not during encoding
Available since version 4.0
string zend_loader_current_file (void)
Returns a string containing the full path of the file that is currently running
Dynamically loads a license for applications encoded with Zend Guard.
Available since version 4.0
boolean zend_loader_install_license (string $license_file [ , boolean $overwrite = 0 ])
TRUE if the license was loaded successfully, FALSE otherwise
Obfuscate and return the given function name with the internal obfuscation function
Available since version 4.0
string zend_obfuscate_function_name (string $function_name)
Returns the obfuscated form of the given string.
Returns the current obfuscation level support (set by zend_optimizer.obfuscation_level_support) to get information on the product that is currently running.
Available since version 4.0
int zend_current_obfuscation_level (void)
Current obfuscation level
Start runtime-obfuscation support to allow limited mixing of obfuscated and un-obfuscated code
Available since version 4.0
boolean zend_runtime_obfuscate (void)
TRUE if succeeds, FALSE otherwise
Obfuscate and return the given class name with the internal obfuscation function
Available since version 4.0
string zend_obfuscate_class_name (string $class_name)
Returns the obfuscated form of the given string
Returns an array of Zend (host) IDs in your system. If all_ids is TRUE, then all IDs are returned, otherwise only IDs considered "primary" are returned
Available since version 4.0
array zend_get_id ([ boolean $all_ids = false ])
Array of host IDs
Returns Zend Guard Loader version
Available since version 4.0
string zend_loader_version (void)
Zend Guard Loader version