Zend Server User Guide > Reference > Virtual Host Template Legend

Virtual Host Template Legend

This legend lists the variables included in the configuration template of a virtual host. These variables can be changed when creating or editing a virtual host. For information on working with virtual hosts, see Working with Virtual Hosts.


Editing the virtual host template could cause problems to your Web server's configuration.

Variable Description


The virtual host port.

${virtual host}

The virtual host name.


The virtual host document root.


The folder containing virtual host aliases.


The SSL application name.


This is an example of a configuration template for an SSL-secured virtual host:

# Created by Zend Server

<VirtualHost *:10080>

DocumentRoot "/usr/local/zendsvr6/var/apps/http/2013-11-06-06-24-45/10080/_docroot_"

<Directory "/usr/local/zendsvr6/var/apps/http/2013-11-06-06-24-45/10080/_docroot_">

Options +Indexes FollowSymLinks

DirectoryIndex index.php

Order allow,deny

Allow from all

AllowOverride All



SSLEngine on



ServerName 2013-11-06-06-24-45:10080

Include "/usr/local/zendsvr6/etc/sites.d/http/2013-11-06-06-24-45/10080/*.conf"



Read Also

  Working with Virtual Hosts    
  http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/virtual hosts/ (external link)    
  http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/configuring_https_servers.html (external link)