Zend Server User Guide > Tasks > Working with CLI Tools > vhost-get-status


This CLI command retrieves a list of virtual hosts currently used by the Web server and information about each virtual host.

Command Specific Arguments

This table specifies the various arguments used in the command:

Abbreviated Full Description Required/Optional



The ID of the virtual host.


Common Arguments

This table lists arguments common to all zs-manage commands:

Abbreviated Full Description Required/Optional



WebAPI key name.




WebAPI secret key.




Zend Server URL. Default: http://localhost:10081/ZendServer.

Required - when action is performed on a remote server.



Show usage information and exit.




Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To use vhost-get-status:

  1. Open your CLI.
  1. Enter a help command for the vhost-get-status action to learn which arguments your command should include:

/usr/local/zend/bin/zs-manage vhost-get-status --help

  1. Enter the following command:

/usr/local/zend/bin/zs-manage vhost-get-status -N <existing key name> -K <existing key secret>

CLI Tools will return information of all your virtual hosts.

vhostInfo 1 * 80 false Ok

vhostInfo 2 myvhost 444 false Ok

  1. For info on a specific virtual host, enter the same command, and add the virtual host ID:

/usr/local/zend/bin/zs-manage vhost-get-status [vhost ID]

CLI Tools will return information on the specific virtual host.




Read Also

  CLI Tools    
  Working with CLI Tools