Web API Reference Guide > Available API Methods > Server and Cluster Management Methods > The daemonsProbe Method

The daemonsProbe Method

Retrieve a list of daemon restart states according to ZSD messages. This action presents a list of currently flagged daemons and the reason for their flaggin. Inclusion in this list usually indicates the daemon needs to be reloaded or restarted.

Version: 1.5

Required Permissions: Full

HTTP method: GET

Supported by Editions: All

Request Parameters: There are no request parameters for this method.

Expected Response Code: 202 Accepted. For more information see Response Format.

Response Type: daemonMessages=


Usage Example

Request (headers removed for clarity)

GET /ZendServer/Api/daemonsProbe


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<zendServerAPIResponse xmlns="http://www.zend.com/server/api/1.5">















<details><![CDATA[{“message”: “error message”}]]></details>






Important Note:

For Zend Server on Mac or Linux, this action is also available via the command line using CLI Tools. For more information see CLI Tools.


Read Also

  Available API Methods    
  Server and Cluster Management Methods