The following information describes FastCGI support on the IBM HTTP Server on i.
FastCGI is an open standard extending the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) standard supported by many common web servers today. This standard defines how information is exchanged between a Web server and FastCGI programs isolated in external processes. On IBM i these external processes are provided by a FastCGI Apache module which make external PASE programs (FastCGI programs) available as CGI jobsJobs contain information about a specific Job (script to run) that you have set to run in your environment. which can then be utilized by the native ILE environment resulting in faster HTTP request processing.
For up-to-date information about IBM's FastCGI, see
The role of FastCGI programs, as dictated by the FastCGI specification, is to process incoming HTTP request data received from browser clients. For example, the following steps are taken when a user enters data into a Web form and submits the form to a
FastCGI enable Web server for processing:
IBM HTTP Server on i administrators control which FastCGI programs the system can run by specifying certain server directives in the HTTP configuration files. With the proper server directives specified, IBM HTTP server on i can recognize which URI's contained in HTTP requests are for a FastCGI program, commonly called a FastCGI script. Depending on the server directives, the server calls that program on behalf of the client.
The IBM HTTP Server on i only supports FastCGI programs that run in the IBM i PASE environment and conform to the FastCGI standard (