API Reference Guide > Zend Job Queue Daemon - Configuration Directives

Zend Job Queue Daemon - Configuration Directives

Configuration Directives Summary

Directive Type Description
zend_jobqueue.database string A database connection string in PDO like format
zend_jobqueue.binding string An address of TCP or UNIX socket to listen for requests from clients and management GUI
zend_jobqueue.max_http_jobs integer The maximum number of HTTP based jobs which can be executed simultaneously by single back-end server
zend_jobqueue.history integer The maximum time (in days) a completed, failed or removed job is kept in database.
zend_jobqueue.history_failed integer The maximum time (in days) a failed job is kept in database. If it is not set - the 'history' value is used.
zend_jobqueue.client_keep_alive integer Number of second while daemon keeps inactive connection from client.
zend_jobqueue.client_read_timeout integer Number of second while daemon is trying to read request from client.
zend_jobqueue.client_write_timeout integer Number of seconds while daemon is trying to deliver response to client.
zend_jobqueue.connection_timeout integer Number of seconds while daemon trying to establish a connection with back-end server
zend_jobqueue.http_job_timeout integer Number of seconds while URL based job must complete.
zend_jobqueue.job_restart_timeout integer The minimal number of milliseconds between job startups.
zend_jobqueue.http_job_retry_count integer Number of retries in case of HTTP job failure.
zend_jobqueue.http_job_retry_timeout integer The number of seconds between retries of failed HTTP jobs.
zend_jobqueue.high_concurrency_margin_allowed integer Report an event when the Job Queue Daemon reaches a margin between the number of running jobs and the maximum allowed
zend_jobqueue.job_time_skew_allowed integer Report an event when a job is "skewing" from its defined execution time
zend_jobqueue.max_message_size integer The maximum message size the daemon can except from the extension
zend_jobqueue.log_verbosity_level integer The Log's verbosity level
zend_jobqueue.log_rotation_size integer The maximum size of the log file before it is rotated
zend_jobqueue.store_job_output boolean whether to store job output in DB. If set to '0', no job output is stored
zend_jobqueue.max_job_output_size integer size in KB of maximal job output size to store in DB
zend_jobqueue.db_cache_size integer DB disk pages
zend_jobqueue.db_vacuum boolean Whether to run vacuum on the DB file after jobs cleanup
zend_jobqueue.global_directives_ini_file string Global Directives ini File
zend_jobqueue.db_size_completed integer Maximum db space of completed jobs data
zend_jobqueue.db_size_failed integer Maximum db space of failed jobs data

Configuration Directive Details


A database connection string in PDO like format. Relative sqlite path will be treated as relative to Zend Server data directory.

Type: string

Default Value: "sqlite:file=jobqueue.db"

Available since version 5.0


An address of TCP or UNIX socket to listen for requests from clients and management GUI

Type: string

Default Values:

Available since version 5.0


The maximum number of HTTP based jobs which can be executed simultaneously by single back-end server

Type: integer

Default Value: 4

Available since version 5.0


The maximum time (in days) a completed, failed or removed job is kept in database. If no directive is provided time is unlimited and jobs are never deleted. Independently on this directive setting jobs may be kept forever using "persistent" option. Set to 0 to disable cleanups.

Type: integer

Units: days

Default Value: 7

Available since version 5.0


The maximum time (in days) a failed job is kept in database. If it is not set - the 'history' value is used. Set to 0 to disable cleanups.

Type: integer

Units: days

Available since version 5.0


Number of second while daemon keeps inactive connection from client. In case client doesn't send any request during this time daemon closes the client's connection. (default 3600 seconds = 1 hour)

Type: integer

Default Value: 3600

Available since version 5.0


Number of second while daemon is trying to read request from client. In case client doesn't respond in this time daemon closes the client's connection. (default 10 seconds)

Type: integer

Default Value: 30

Available since version 5.0


Number of seconds while daemon is trying to deliver response to client. In case client doesn't respond in this time daemon closes the client's connection. (default 10 seconds)

Type: integer

Default Value: 30

Available since version 5.0


Number of seconds while daemon trying to establish a connection with back-end server

Type: integer

Units: seconds

Default Value: 30

Available since version 5.0


Number of seconds while URL based job must complete. After timeout expiration daemons drops the connection to back-end server and sets job status to "failed" and completion status to "timeout".

Type: integer

Units: seconds

Default Value: 120

Available since version 5.0


The minimal number of microlliseconds between job startups.

Type: integer

Default Value: 200

Available since version 5.0


Number of retries in case of HTTP job failure.

Type: integer

Default Value: 10

Available since version 5.0


The number of seconds between retries of failed HTTP jobs.

Type: integer

Units: seconds

Default Value: 1

Available since version 5.0


Report an event when the Job Queue Daemon reaches a margin between the number of running jobs and the maximum allowed

Type: integer

Default Value: 0

Available since version 5.0


Report an event when a job is "skewing" from its defined execution time

Type: integer

Units: seconds

Default Value: 120

Available since version 5.0


The maximum message size the daemon can accept from the extension

Type: integer

Units: KBytes

Default Value: 64

Available since version 5.0


The Log's verbosity level

Type: integer

Default Value: 2

Available since version 5.0


The maximum size of the log file before it is rotated

Type: integer

Units: MBytes

Default Value: 10

Available since version 5.0


whether to store job output in DB. If set to '0', no job output is stored

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 5.0


size in KB of maximal job output size to store in DB

Type: integer

Units: KBytes

Default Value: 1024

Available since version 5.0


The suggested maximum number of database disk pages that the DB will hold in memory

Type: integer

Default Value: 2000

Available since version 5.0


Whether to run vacuum on the DB file after jobs cleanup

Type: boolean

Default Value: 0

Available since version 5.0


The .ini file that contains the global directives, as defined in ZendGlobalDirectiveDD.xml

Type: string


Available since version 5.0


The maximum database space for completed jobs data. Set 0 for unlimited space.

Type: integer

Default Value: 1024

Available since version 6.1


The maximum database space for failed jobs data. Set 0 for unlimited space.

Type: integer

Default Value: 1024

Available since version 6.1


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