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You are here: Zend Server Best Practices > Troubleshoot > Support Tool

Support Tool

The Zend Support Tool gathers server configurations and setup information.

The gathered information is used to help Zend's support team to troubleshoot support issues and provide comprehensive and efficient support.

Collected Information

In general, the information collected is defined in the definition file. If, for security reasons, you do not want to disclose specific information, you can edit the file to not include that information. However, the more information the support team can access, the better the chance of quickly resolving support-related issues.




Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To run the support tool:



The default location for saving the files is:


If TMPDIR is not defined, it results to /tmp


The definition file is located in:


This file contains the definitions for which files and directories to collect. Through this file you can also define the name that will be used to create the archive, in case you do not want to use the default name.


/etc/apache2/conf.d apache_conf.d

Means, take the contents of the entire /etc/apache2/conf.d directory and rename it to apache_conf.d <install_path>/share/bugreport/commands

Defines which commands to run and include in the output.


Once a report is generated, you will see the following output:

Sample Output:

#  <install_path>/bin/

The information was collected successfully.

Use free text to describe the issue in your own words.

To submit the information press CONTROL-D

Archive created at /tmp/zend_server_report_bug_123008052721.tar.gz


The Support Tool software may be found in: <install_path>\bin\SupportTool.exe.


  1. Open the Support Tool from Start menu, Zend Server/Support Tool.

  2. Select a directory to generate the archive file to (Desktop is default).

  3. Click Create.
    A Zip file is created on the desktop of the current user. The file is created with a time stamp including date and time.



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