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The first time Zend Server runs, the registration wizard is displayed.

  1. The first step is the license agreement.
    To continue and install Zend Server, you must accept the license agreement.
  2. The second step is the password page. Your password is used to log in to the Administration Interface, either from the main login page accessed from your browser or from the Zend Controller.
  1. You are not required to enter a license to use Zend Server. However, you must have a valid license to use the complete edition of Zend Server.
    1. To enter without a license mark the "Enter without License" check box.
    2. If you have your license details, enter them in the Order Number and License Key Fields. This information is stored in your account or under the account used for the purchase.

Zend Server Password and License Details Screen


When attaching a server to Zend Server Cluster Manager, the Zend Server GUI will be disabled. This is to allow Zend Server Cluster Manager the ability to have sole control over settings and configuration in order to prevent inconsistencies that could result in loss of information.

License FAQ

How do I just take a look at the product?

If you enter Zend Server without a license, you can run Zend Server in Community Edition Mode. In this mode, Zend Server 's Community Edition features ( PHP 5.x, Zend Data Cache, Zend Debugger, Zend Guard Loader, Zend Java Bridge and Zend Optimizer+) are available and the features that require a license are visible and disabled.



To enter the Community Edition mode, do not enter an Order Number and License Key.  

Click "Enter Without a License" to start using Zend Server in Community Edition mode.

As soon as you enter a valid license, all licensed features are automatically activated for the license period.

How do I get a License?

If you do not already have a license, go to the licensing page on to find out how to get a license.

I already have a License - what do I do?

If you have already purchased a license, you should have received a confirmation e-mail that includes your Order Number and License Key.



If you have just installed Zend Server:

To enter a license, enter your Order Number and License Key as stated in your confirmation e-mail and click .

If you have already been running Zend Server in Community Edition Mode or with an evaluation license:

In the Administration Interface go to Administration | Password and License.

Enter your new license details into the "Update License" area.

Click to apply the changes.

Zend Server will start to run in a fully functional mode.

License Expiration

Before a license expires, a notification is displayed at the bottom of the Administration Interface, telling you how long you have left until your license expires and where to go to renew your license.

Once a license expires, Zend Server reverts to Community Edition mode until a new license is entered. During this time, all licensed features are unavailable. However, their settings are kept and are restored, along with the functionality, when a new license is entered.



Related Links

Related Links:

Working with Zend Server

Password Management


Password and License 




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