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You are here: Zend Server Installation Guide > Post Installation > Installed Components

Installed Components

The following text provides a description of each of the Zend Server components that are installed in your environment along with the installation location of each component.

Installation Directories

Not all users decide to install their software in the same location. To reflect this actuality, all paths in this document have been replaced with the following prefix: <install_path>. This represents the location of the installed files. If you used the default settings, the location should be as follows:




Installation Path




The Zend certified version of PHP 5.2.x , 5.3.x or 5.4 x that includes commonly used and Zend extensions.

Windows: <install_path>\bin

RPM, DEB: <install_path>/lib/php/

The extensions for all are under:




Zend Optimizer+


Zend’s extension for using opcode caching and optimizations for PHP.

Windows: <install_path>\lib\optimizerplus

RPM, DEB: <install_path>/lib/optimizerplus



Zend Guard Loader


The Zend Guard Loader for running PHP, encoded with Zend Guard.

Windows: <install_path>\lib\loader

RPM, DEB: <install_path>/lib/loader



Zend Debugger


Zend’s extension for server side debugging, profiling and code coverage.

Windows: <install_path>\lib\debugger

RPM, DEB: <install_path>/lib/debugger



Zend Cache


A Zend extension for PHP data caching and partial PHP output caching.

Windows: <install_path>\lib\datacache

RPM, DEB: <install_path>/lib/datacache



Java Bridge


Enables integration of Java libraries and classes within PHP applications.

Windows: <install_path>\lib\jbridge

RPM, DEBand Mac: <install_path>/lib/jbridge


Java Server
The Java PHP extension, Java daemon and setup files (not loaded by default).

Windows: <install_path>\bin

PHP Extensions

PHP 5.2: <install_path>/lib/jbridge/php.5.2.x/

PHP 5.3 <install_path>/lib/jbridge/php.5.3.x/  
Java Daemon
- <install_path>/lib/jbridge/jawamw.jar


Requires SUN’s JRE 1.4 or later or IBM's Java 1.4.2 or later. 64 bit JRE is not supported.
For mre information see:
SUN Microsystems’s website




Collects information for monitoring and improving the quality of your PHP application.

Windows: <install_path>\lib\monitor

RPM, DEB: <install_path>/lib/monitor



Job Queue


Offline asynchronous processing of tasks and activities.


PHP 5.2: <install_path>\lib\jobqueue\php-5.2.x\JobQueueExt.dll

PHP 5.3: <install_path>\lib\jobqueue\php-5.3.x\JobQueueExt.dll

Job Queue Daemon: <install_path>\\bin\jqd.exe


Job Queue Extension:

PHP 5.2:<install_path>/lib/jobqueue/php-5.2.x/

PHP 5.3:<install_path>/lib/jobqueue/php-5.3.x/

Job Queue Daemon: <install_path>/bin/jqd

Job Queue Daemon Wrapper Script: <install_path>/bin/




Session Clustering


Session management in cluster based environments.


PHP 5.2: <install_path>\lib\sc\php-5.2.x\ZendSessionClustering.dll

PHP 5.3: <install_path>\lib\sc\php-5.3.x\ZendSessionClustering.dll

SC Daemon: <install_path>\bin\ZendSessionManager.exe


SC Extension:

PHP 5.2: <install_path>/lib/sc/php-5.2.x/

PHP 5.3:<install_path>/lib/sc/php-5.3.x/

SC Queue Daemon: <install_path>/bin/scd

SC Daemon Wrapper Script: <install_path>/bin/

This component in not installed on ZSCM. Session Clustering is run on the servers in a cluster.






Code Tracing


Real-time execution flow recording in Production Environments


PHP 5.2:<install_path>\lib\codetracing\php-5.2.x\ZendCodeTracing.dll

PHP 5.3:<install_path>\lib\codetracing\php-5.3.x\ZendCodeTracing.dll


PHP 5.2:<install_path>/lib/codetracing/php-5.2.x/

PHP 5.3:<install_path>/lib/codetracing/php-5.3.x/







Page Cache


A URL based HTML output cache for PHP scripts.

Windows: <install_path>/lib/pagecache

RPM, DEB: <install_path>/lib/pagecache





Used for passing heavy download requests to a dedicated process to off load Apache

RPM, DEB: <install_path>/lib/dserver



Zend Framework


Installs Zend's open-source framework for developing Web Applications and Web Services in PHP.

Windows: <install_path>\share\ZendFramework

RPM, DEB: <install_path>/share/ZendFramework

This installs libraries containing the Zend framework components.


Oracle Instant Client


This installs Oracle OCI (Oracle Instant Client Libraries) lightweight drivers for accessing Oracle Databases.

Windows: <install_path>\bin

RPM, DEB: The extension resides with the other extensions, the libraries it depends upon are  in <install_path>/lib/


"Zend Server provides the Oracle Instant Client 'Basic Lite' package, which only includes English error messages, and support for ASCII, Unicode and Western European character sets. If you need support for other languages and character sets, please install one of the other Oracle Instant Client packages available from Oracle, such as here: You should be able to install any recent version of the full Oracle Instant Client libraries as a drop-in replacement for the Lite version provided by Zend, without having to reinstall Zend Server."  
In Linux, make sure that you place the full version's shared libraries before the Lite version in 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.

Required for Oracle database access from PHP.




A popular open-source management tool for handling MySql Database over a Web interface.

Windows: <install_path>\..\phpMyAdmin


DEB and RPM: the distribution's default location.



Downloaded during installation.

Only relevant for MySql Database users.




This installs the IBM DB2 run Time Client libraries for managing Database access.

Windows: user defined location in a separate installer

RPM, DEB: IBM DB2 RTCL is not shipped with Zend Server and can be downloaded from


Downloaded during installation.

Required for IBM DB2 access from PHP.




Installs a complete MySQL database on the Web Server.

Windows: <install_path>\..\MySQL

RPM, DEB: Not bundled.


MySQL server's user name and password

Linux:  Default - "root"

Windows: Default - "root" and no password

Downloaded during installation.

Usually the password is "root" for administrators).

For more information see: Working with phpMyAdmin to Manage MySQL


Apache 2.2.x Web server



Windows:  <install_path>\..\Apache2

Mac: <install_path>/apache2

DEB and RPM: the distribution's Apache package.

Installed only if the option is selected. The alternative is to configure to an existing installation of IIS and then Apache will not be installed.


Additional Information

The following is additional useful information on Zend Server installed components usage.

MySQL for Mac

By default, Zend Server for Mac comes with MySQL installed in the following location:

Controlling MySQL

You can control the operation of MySQL by using the mysql.server in the bin directory:

The available commands are: start | stop | restart | reload | force-reload | status

Managing MySQL

You may manage the MySQL server by using the phpMyAdmin which is installed by default and may be accessed on Zend Server's Dashboard:


Access is possible only from the local machine.


The socket for MySQL is located in the following location:


For more information on using the MySQL DB, go to .



Related Links

Related Links:

Package Setup and Control Scripts

Log Rotation

Ports and Services

Installed Components





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