Zend Code Tracing - Configuration Directives

Configuration Directives Summary

Directive Type Modification Scope Description
zend_codetracing.enable boolean ZEND_INI_PERDIR Is tracing functionality enabled?
zend_codetracing.buffer_size string PHP_INI_SYSTEM The size of the trace memory buffer
zend_codetracing.dump_format integer PHP_INI_ALL The type of dump produced
zend_codetracing.max_string integer PHP_INI_ALL The maximal length of the string before it is cut
zend_codetracing.max_depth integer PHP_INI_ALL The maximal depth of the array preserved
zend_codetracing.max_elements integer PHP_INI_ALL The maximal number of the array elements preserved
zend_codetracing.dump_file string PHP_INI_ALL The prefix for the dump file names, relative to zend.data_dir.
zend_codetracing.trace_time boolean PHP_INI_ALL Timestamp collection is enabled
zend_codetracing.trace_source_lines boolean PHP_INI_ALL Source file information collection is enabled
zend_codetracing.trace_internal_functions boolean PHP_INI_ALL Internal functions call collection is enabled
zend_codetracing.trace_user_functions boolean PHP_INI_ALL User functions call collection is enabled
zend_codetracing.trace_includes boolean PHP_INI_ALL Include/require data collection is enabled
zend_codetracing.trace_arguments boolean PHP_INI_ALL Function call argument collection is enabled
zend_codetracing.trace_return_values boolean PHP_INI_ALL Function return value collection is enabled
zend_codetracing.trace_exceptions boolean PHP_INI_ALL PHP exception data collection is enabled
zend_codetracing.trace_arrays boolean PHP_INI_ALL Array contents recording is enabled
zend_codetracing.trace_write boolean PHP_INI_ALL Output data (writing) collection is enabled
zend_codetracing.trace_headers boolean PHP_INI_ALL Output headers collection is enabled
zend_codetracing.trace_memory_usage boolean PHP_INI_ALL Memory usage data collection is enabled
zend_codetracing.trace_errors boolean PHP_INI_ALL PHP error collection is enabled
zend_codetracing.trace_events boolean PHP_INI_ALL Zend Monitor event recording is enabled
zend_codetracing.always_dump boolean PHP_INI_ALL Trace data is always persisted
zend_codetracing.dump_on_segv boolean PHP_INI_ALL Trace data is persisted if fatal signal (like Segmentation Fault) happens
zend_codetracing.max_freq integer PHP_INI_SYSTEM Minimum amount of seconds between successive dumps.
zend_codetracing.log_file string PHP_INI_SYSTEM Log file for the Code Tracing module (relative to the log dir).
zend_codetracing.log_verbosity integer PHP_INI_SYSTEM Logging verbosity level.
zend_codetracing.override_functions string PHP_INI_SYSTEM List of overriding functions.
zend_codetracing.max_concurrent_trace_buffers integer PHP_INI_ALL Number of concurrent trace buffer allocated
zend_codetracing.log_rotation_size integer PHP_INI_ALL The maximum size of the log file before it is rotated

Configuration Directive Details


Is tracing functionality enabled?

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


The size of the trace memory buffer

Type: string

Units: Bytes

Default Value: 1M

Available since version 4.0


The type of dump produced

Type: integer

Default Value: 2

Available since version 4.0


The maximal length of the string before it is cut

Type: integer

Units: Bytes

Default Value: 48

Available since version 4.0


The maximal depth of the array preserved

Type: integer

Default Value: 2

Available since version 4.0


The maximal number of the array elements preserved

Type: integer

Default Value: 10

Available since version 4.0


The prefix for the dump file names, relative to zend.data_dir.

Type: string

Default Value: codetracing/dump

Available since version 4.0


Timestamp collection is enabled

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


Source file information collection is enabled

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


Internal functions call collection is enabled

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


User functions call collection is enabled

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


Include/require data collection is enabled

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


Function call argument collection is enabled

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


Function return value collection is enabled

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


PHP exception data collection is enabled

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


Array contents recording is enabled

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


Output data (writing) collection is enabled

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


Output headers collection is enabled

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


Memory usage data collection is enabled

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


PHP error collection is enabled

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


Zend Monitor event recording is enabled

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


Trace data is always persisted

Type: boolean

Default Value: 0

Available since version 4.0


Trace data is persisted if fatal signal (like Segmentation Fault) happens

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


Minimum amount of seconds between successive dumps.

Type: integer

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


Log file for the Code Tracing module (relative to the log dir).

Type: string

Default Value: codetracing.log

Available since version 4.0


Logging verbosity level.

Type: integer

Default Value: 0

Available since version 4.0


List of overriding functions. Can contain function names, wildcards (prefix_*) and references to files (@filename). Entries are separated by comma. File contains one entry per line, which can be function name or wildcard.

Type: string

Default Value: @ZEND_PREFIX/etc/functions.txt

Available since version 4.0


Number of concurrent trace buffer allocated

Type: integer

Default Value: 5

Available since version 4.0


The maximum size of the log file before it is rotated

Type: integer

Units: MBytes

Default Value: 10

Available since version 4.0