RPM (SLES and OpenSUSE) Installation

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Automatically Installing Zend Server

Manually Installing Zend Server

To set up repositories in SLES 11 and OpenSUSE

To set up repositories in SLES 10

To install Zend Server using zypper

Basic Usage

Additional Packages

Upgrading Zend Server

Uninstalling Zend Server

This section describes the installation process of Zend Server on SLES and OpenSUSE, using zypper – the default package manager for SUSE.

This method downloads files from the Internet and therefore requires that you have an active Internet connection and root privileges for the server.

SELinux Note:

SELinux users need to change their system settings to permissive mode before starting the Zend Server installation procedure, by executing the following command:
# setenforce permissive

Automatically Installing Zend Server

The following procedure describes how to run a script that will automatically create your DEB or RPM repositories and install Zend Server.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

  1. Download the package called "Linux x86 Installer (RPM/DEB Setup Script)" from zend.com - http://www.zend.com/en/products/server/downloads

  2. Locate and extract the package:

  3. To change to the directory with the installer scripts run:
    cd <Install_Path>/ZendServer-RepositoryInstaller-linux/

  4. Depending on the PHP version, you want to use, run one of the following commands:

    • For Zend Server with PHP 5.2 Support run:
      install.sh 5.2

    • For Zend Server with PHP 5.3 Support run:
       instal.sh 5.3

After installing, a completion notification will appear, with a notice that the servers have started.

To access the Administration Interface open your browser at: https://localhost:10082/ZendServer (secure) or http://localhost:10081/ZendServer.

Upon initial log in, you will be prompted to define your password.

Manually Installing Zend Server

There are two methods for setting up repositories one method is for SLES 11 and OpenSUSE  and the other for SLES 10.

To set up repositories in SLES 11 and OpenSUSE

The following commands are run in the shell as root or using sudo.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To set up the repositories:

  1. Set up your Zend Server repository by creating:
    /etc/zypp/repos.d/zend.repo and adding the following content:

On 32 bit systems run:

name=Zend Server

name=Zend Server - noarch

On 64 bit systems run:

name=Zend Server

name=Zend Server - noarch

  1. Accept importing the Zend Key to your trusted keys list

Your repository is now ready for Zend Server to be installed.

To set up repositories in SLES 10

The following commands are run in the shell as root or using sudo.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To set up the repositories:

  1. Run the following command:

zypper service-add http://repos.zend.com/zend-server/sles/ZendServer-noarch ZendServer-noarch

  1. Answer the questions prompted as follows:
     - Accept importing the Zend Key to your trusted keys list
     - Accept importing  the Zend Key into your key ring

  1. Run the following command to add the Zend Server repositories to your system:

On 32 bit systems run:

zypper service-add http://repos.zend.com/zend-server/sles/ZendServer-i586 ZendServer-i586

On 64 bit systems run:

zypper service-add http://repos.zend.com/zend-server/sles/ZendServer-x86_64 ZendServer-x86_64

Your repository is now ready for Zend Server to be installed.

To install Zend Server using zypper



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To Install Zend Server:

  1. Once the environment is setup, run the appropriate command according to the product version and PHP support you require:

  1. To install Zend Server with PHP 5.2 run:

# zypper install zend-server-php-5.2

  1. To install Zend Server with PHP 5.3 run:

# zypper install zend-server-php-5.3

zypper automatically downloads and installs the selected packages.

Basic Usage

The Zend Server Administration Interface is accessed from https://localhost:10082/ZendServer after the installation.

You should refer to the on-line help available through the product or to the “Package Setup And Control Scripts” guide for additional usage information.

Additional Packages

There are additional packages that can be added after installing Zend Server, using 'zypper install'.

Important Note:

After installing a component on top of an existing Zend Server installation, you must click restart-btn-pe.gif for the changes to take effect.

You can remove each package individually with the following command 'zypper remove' and then the package name of the component you want to remove. To complete the removal process in the Zend Server Administration interface click "Restart PHP".


PHP 5.2

PHP 5.3

Additional PHP extensions



Java bridge package (Requires Sun JRE 1.5, 1.6  or later installed on your computer. Therefore, if you do not already have JRE installed please install it before using the Java Bridge. More information about JRE’s and the latest updates are found in the SUN Website: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp




The Zend Guard Loader for running PHP, encoded with Zend Guard.



A phpMyadmin meta package that installs phpMyAdmin and attaches it to the Administration Interface via a link from the Dashboard.



Zend Framework's bundled Dojo.



Zend Framework's extra components.



Full PHP sources, patched by Zend



Zend Server Control Panel





The following extensions require the IBM DB2 runtime client (RTCL):

PHP extension that enables access to the IBM DB2 Universal Database, IBM Cloudscape and Apache Derby databases.



PHP pdo_ibm extension.



You can download and install IBM's Runtime Client libraries from ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/data/db2/express/

Upgrading Zend Server

The following procedure describes how to upgrade Zend Server using zypper.

For more information on upgrading your Zend Server, including additional upgrade scenarios, see Upgrading.
If you are using Zend Server Cluster Manager see Upgrading a Zend Server Cluster.

RPM Upgrade Note:

After upgrading, you will need to manually start your server by running the command: <install_path>/bin/zendctl.sh start.

bulb.gifTo perform these actions you must have root privileges.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To upgrade on SLES 11 and OpenSUSE run:

To upgrade all Zend related packages run the following command according to the package you have installed:

# zypper update '*zend*'

To upgrade on SLES 10 and OpenSUSE run:

To update any and all files in your system that are managed by 'zypper' (not just Zend products) run:

# zypper update -t package '*zend*'

To update a specific component (in this example it is php-mycrypt) run the following command according to the package you have installed:

The upgrade process locates any components of the product version that are newer and downloads them.

Uninstalling Zend Server

The following procedure describes how to uninstall Zend Server using zypper.

Run the commands in the shell as root or using sudo.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To uninstall Zend Server on SLES 11 and OpenSUSE run:

zypper remove *zend*


To uninstall Zend Server on SLES 10 run:

 rpm -qa --qf "%{name}\n" | grep zend | xargs zypper remove


When uninstalling, configuration files are not removed. They remain in the same location and are renamed with an additional suffix (.rpmsave) so that they can be reused in a newer installation.

For example: a file called example.ini is renamed to example.ini.rpmsave after running the un-install.



Related Links

Related Links:

Ports and Services


Installed Components

Using PECL